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Month: March 2020

This year, I’m celebrating!

This year, I’m celebrating!

The word for today is…Grateful.

With so many ways to communicate, it is sometimes hard to keep up. It’s an all day event to read your emails, update your blog, check in with Facebook, try to stay LinkedIn and write something Tweet worthy. I was speaking with a friend recently and we were talking about how many different ways there are of communicating. The funny thing is…with so many ways you would think that families would be closer and we’d talk to friends more often, but sadly that’s not the case. One of my missions this year is to love more and to not spend so much time trying to keep up with technology. I don’t want to become so technically inclined that I forget how to have a real conversation. The other thing I want to do this year is to learn to celebrate. I’m not talking about just the big things—I want to celebrate everything. I want to celebrate when God opens a door, but I also want to celebrate when He closes one. I want to celebrate the special occasions, but I also want to celebrate the little things like being able to eat ice cream on a warm summer day. I want to celebrate having a great day, but I also want to celebrate the not so great days, because He made it and that’s enough for me. Simply put…I want to live purposefully. I want my life to reflect how grateful I am to God for everything. Even the things I don’t like so much, because I know they teach me lessons I may not have learned any other way. Our God is a keeper. He has kept me through some really rough times and He is still keeping me now. So this year I’m going to honor Him by being grateful, loving more and celebrating often. How about you?

Until next time…

Be blessed

Success is…

Success is…

Recently, while straightening up my work space, God showed me something I wrote when I was in college. At the time, it helped me to put things into perspective, and although I wasn’t saved at the time, I could see God’s hand even then. Hopefully, it will bless you like it did me when I read it.

Success is…
Success is being alone with yourself and enjoying it. Success is not having all the answers and not trying to pretend you do.
Success is being proud of your accomplishments and being happy for the accomplishments of others.
Success is the art of knowing who you are and accepting yourself just as you are. Success is growing old gracefully and loving every minute of just being alive. Success is being able to say no and not feel guilty.
Success is eating anything you want and not worrying about what you are going to look like afterwards.
And finally, success is learning to be present in this moment, at this time, with this life and being unafraid of what will be.

I pray that each one of you will learn what success means to you and that you will seek God’s will in everything you do, because when you listen for His voice, He speaks.

Until next time…

Be blessed!