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Tag: Spirit

Sometimes It’s Going to Take a Pressing

Sometimes It’s Going to Take a Pressing

The song, You Made a Way, by Travis Greene sums up how I am feeling today. 

God never ceases to amaze me. He keeps making a way out of no way. Just when you think nothing makes sense…He does something to show you that there is a plan in place and that if you hang in there He will show you some amazing things.

I was thinking about how God works when the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit that sometimes to get fresh oil…to get a fresh anointing…there will be a pressing. It may appear that things are not getting any better, and you are not going to make it. But that pressing is bringing out the best in you. That pressing is not going to take you out…it is going to make you stronger. 

The Lord is moving mountains for you. He is causing walls to fall. He is removing obstacles and opening doors that no man can shut. But none of that will happen until you give up your right to be right. God needs you to know that in Him is where you will find your strength, your joy, your peace and your power.

God will never fail you. Nothing about what you are going through is random. God is bringing out of you what you will need in the days, months and years to come. He knows what you are going to come up against, so He has already sent ahead of you what you will need when you get there.

There will be things that are going to try to make you quit, but God will not allow you to abort your purpose. 

Right now you may be going through a pressing…just know that it is not designed to take you out, but to build you up, and strengthen your relationship with Him. God is always with you. Trust the process.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Dealing With Feelings Of Doubt

Dealing With Feelings Of Doubt

Today, God used my pastor to peek into my heart and speak to that place in me that has really been struggling with the spirit of doubt. Oh, make no mistake about it…it definitely is a spirit. This doubt has been keeping me from doing some things I know God has assigned me to do. I was letting my feelings of grief, and loneliness override my knowledge of who God really is in my life.

I forgot for a moment how God will use our pain as a platform for our deliverance. I forgot that He will cause the thing you have been running from to be the thing you end up running to, and I forgot that He will give us bursts of joy right in the middle of our seasons of tears. 

I am convinced more than ever that everything God does or allows is so intentional. He knows what we are capable of…He just needs us to get on board with knowing it too.

Without a shadow of a doubt, I know that God is the lifter of our souls, that He will fight our battles, and make all of our crooked places straight. I know that everything He allows is to help us get to that place in Him where there is no worry…no fear…no doubt. 

When we come through this season, God is going to bring us out into that wealthy place. I’m not just talking about financially. We will have more love, more power, more faith, more joy, more hope and more peace. In Jesus’ name.

Claim it for yourself. Believe it for yourself. Receive it for yourself.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Try God

Try God

There is something in the atmosphere. I don’t know how to explain it, but it feels like whatever you want, whatever you have dreamed, whatever decision you need to make…now is the time to go for it. God knows what we stand in need of, what our desires are, and even before we ask He is already setting things in order. And that’s because He put that desire in us. He knows exactly which way we will go…even before we do.

Grateful can’t even begin to express how I feel about the Lord. He is the great I AM. He has been so good that words are just not adequate enough to express it. And even though things are not ideal right now, I know He is still good. I love Him fully, wholly, completely…and because I know that He loves me…I know that if I keep my mind fixed on Him…everything will be alright.

Life is a series of twists and turns, ins and outs, extreme highs, and even lower lows. But God has built us to handle it. God has given us everything we need to live an abundant life in Him. I have had those days when I wanted to give up, but the Spirit of the Lord within me was so strong that I couldn’t quit even if I wanted to. Those things we think are so huge that there’s no way we will be able to make it through, are nothing for God. He has a plan, and He is not going to let even us mess it up. 

I thank God for continuing to bless me over and over again…in spite of the things I do at times. The word says that God can do exceedingly and abundantly above what we can even ask or think, and when we put our faith, and our trust in Him, that is exactly what He will do.

This week, don’t be afraid to think big…dream big…and even believe God for big.

Until next time…

Be blessed

When I Sleep

When I Sleep

I absolutely love how God speaks to us. He always speaks to me through music. God will use whatever means necessary to reach his children, and gospel music is my favorite. It just seems to help usher in the Holy Spirit…not that He needs any help. It seems to till the soil so to speak. 

Lately, God has been speaking to my heart through a particular song, and I’ve been singing it over and over. In part, the lyrics say, “…there’s a pressing in the spirit…” I love that song. Every time I hear it I’m reminded of how much God loves me. I woke up singing that song the other day, and sang it all the way to work. I know that whenever that happens God has taught my spirit something during the night as I slept. The funny thing is that a lot of times He doesn’t reveal it to me right away. I have grown to trust Him so much that I no longer try to figure it out. I just wait on His perfect timing.

I was asked to do something a while ago that God didn’t want me to do….yet. But I have this tendency to get caught up in someone else’s excitement. It’s like God has given them a vision, and the next thing you know, I’m knee-deep in a place I shouldn’t be. This time, God was saying that I have something for you and it’s not that…and this time I listened.

When God has something for you nothing can stop it. We will oftentimes prolong our journey by taking turns we shouldn’t take, but God is so patient with us. He loves us and wants to bless us, so He waits for us to realize where we should be, and then He moves us into it.  

For me, that means that He waits until I sleep, because that is when my heart is open to Him. When I can’t mess it up by talking, or singing, or any of the other number of things I do. He wakes me up with a song as His way of letting me know that everything is going to be alright. That lets me know that He is always listening. He knows what needs to be done…and He is the One that is still in control. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!