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Tag: Focus

The Fear of Missing Out

The Fear of Missing Out

When I was a little girl, I wanted to be like superwoman. I mean I literally wanted to have super powers, and be able to fly anywhere I wanted to, and do anything I wanted to do. Well, I may not be able to fly without a plane, but God has definitely given me the power to defeat the enemy. Who knew that would be possible? God did. In Micah 5:9 it says, “Your hand will be lifted up in triumph over your enemies, and all your foes will be destroyed.” According to the Word of God–our enemies don’t stand a chance!

I have so much to share with you that I hardly know where to begin. I love writing this blog, and sharing the things that God has placed on my heart. Lately, God has been speaking to me about finishing well. It has been difficult getting a rhythm going, but I think with God’s help, I am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

My focus is always on getting closer to God, and learning more about what He expects of me.  But somewhere along the line, I started getting anxious about finishing. I love the Lord with all of my heart, and pleasing Him is why I do anything. So I had to look at what changed in my life to make me feel that way. 

What I found is something that I think many of us struggle with…the fear of missing out (FOMO). 

I spoke about this a little in my last blog post where I talked about redeeming the time. I think this happens a lot when we focus more on the end result and not on the journey. Our minds are constantly moving from one event, one task to another without really taking time to breathe. That’s not living…that’s existing, and I don’t want that. None of us should.

So, I am going to re-prioritize my goals. I will find something to enjoy about each day…no matter what that day holds, because I know that it is not about finishing…it is about finishing well.  And it is about knowing that no matter what, when we put God, first…everything else will fall into place. The Bible says, “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

We owe it to God, and we owe it to ourselves to enjoy this day, and focus on one task…one moment at a time. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

We Will Overcome

We Will Overcome

Can I just say how grateful I am that God loves us so much. Without Him our lives would be so pitiful. And I am even more grateful that He works it all out so that in some way everything we go through will be used for our good. I love knowing that the trials of this world have a purpose…it makes it all a little easier to bear.

The promise I want to focus on this time is the promise of  joy. The Bible says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)

God planned our ending before our beginning. Knowing every single thing we would encounter. Somehow, that makes me feel better. Because it doesn’t matter if we could have just gone to the doctor one day earlier, or if we hadn’t eaten junk food every day of our lives we could have maybe extended our lives a little longer (Although, there is no doubt that eating healthy and going to the doctor regularly will definitely extend the quality of our lives). The trials we go through; the exercise we never get around to; even the times we miss church because we just want one day to sleep in…won’t change anything. God knows who we are, the struggles we face, and guess what? He still loves us. 

None of it matters. He has a plan for our lives, and nothing we do or don’t do is going to change that. Every now and then, He even gives us a glimpse of the plan He has for us. I think He does that to encourage us…to let us know that all of this is leading to something greater. God promises that at His right hand are “pleasures forevermore.

His promise is that…if we stay close to Him, not only will we overcome, but we will have some joy in the process.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Stay focused

Stay focused

When I am feeling down, my two cats, Bizzy and Jack always find a way to make me smile. One day, I was working at my computer, and I was having a hard time completing a task for work, and it was starting to get the best of me. I was sitting there feeling kind of useless, when my cat Bizzy meowed. When I looked at him, he quickly began moving towards me. 

At first, I didn’t pay it any attention, but then I noticed that as he was walking, he wasn’t looking to the left or to the right–just straight into my eyes. It was amazing. I couldn’t stop watching him, and for some reason, it hit my spirit in a way that made me feel all weepy inside. What I realized was that I wanted to be just like that when I look at God. I want to be able to keep my eyes on Him…no matter what. That even if the world were crumbling around me, my focus on God would not waiver. 

More than ever, our world needs something to hold onto right now. Our faith is being tested like never before. This Coronavirus is like nothing most of us have ever seen. There are so many updates, statistics, and warnings that it is overwhelming. I have spoken to people who are fearful of going out, and to some extent…of staying in. But, I am determined not to live my life in fear. So, in the midst of all of this uncertainty, God is answering my prayer by giving me the opportunity to be just like Bizzy, and keep my gaze fixed on Him.

Until next time…

Be blessed