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Month: January 2023

God Says It Won’t Work!

God Says It Won’t Work!

Our mistakes do not define us. They don’t limit us. They may change us. Grow us. Heal us. But they won’t destroy us.

Be aware…the enemy is relentless. He doesn’t get tired of trying to derail us. His job is to make sure we never get to the fullness of what God has predestined for us. He doesn’t want us to know how powerful we really are. Because if we knew…we would be so much more dangerous in the Kingdom of God. He wants us to be so distracted that we won’t recognize what he’s doing.

But God says it won’t work.

God has given us the wisdom needed to defeat the tricks he sometimes play on us. Our biggest defense is to read God’s word so that we can see in advance how to avoid some of the pitfalls Satan and his imps try to set up for us. Because he will never quit coming after us. 

But God says it won’t work.

When Jesus came out of the wilderness after the 40 days (Matthew 4:1-11), the enemy was right there to try to distract Him. To tempt Him. To keep Him from doing the will of God. And he did that because he knew Jesus was about to walk into His destiny. He knew that millions and millions of people would be saved through Him. He even tried to use the word of God against THE WORD of GOD.

But God says it won’t work.

The thing is…when Jesus didn’t fall for his schemes, the Bible says that he went away for a time. That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t try again. It just meant that he needed to regroup for the next attack. Just like God has assigned angels to cover us, the enemy has assigned his minions to study us. But he is defeated, and nothing he tries will ever work…not unless we let it

We will continue to make mistakes as long as we are on this earth. That’s how many of us learn those hard lessons. Some of us just need real-life examples. And that’s okay. Our job is to grow from them. And to keep looking forward to that place in God where doubt, fear, and condemnation no longer has our address.

Until next time…

Be blessed

What Fear?

What Fear?

I remember a while ago, I had this dream about snakes. Seeing snakes…even on television quickens my spirit. When I was younger, a snake came out at me while I was playing in the tobacco barn. And I watched as my grandmother killed it with a tobacco stick. She had this fearlessness that I admired. My mother had it too. She wasn’t afraid of anything…at least not that I could tell. 

I wanted that fearlessness too.

I know what the Bible says about it. In 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.” But I felt like it kept eluding me. But here is what God did. I prayed that God would give me power to overcome the spirit of fear. 

And He did it through a dream.

In this dream the snake came out and I saw it, but instead of running, I grabbed it by the neck and threw it down on the ground. Then I asked this man that was standing nearby to chop his head off. But, here’s the crazy thing….I kept replaying the scenario with different people killing the snake. I still grabbed it by the neck, but I asked different people to kill it…some were family members, and some were strangers. 

And what God revealed to me was that I was no longer bound to fear. And not only was I set free, but I was bringing some other people out with me. I had operated in fear for many years, and I asked God to show me what it felt like to NOT be afraid. All I know is that God answers prayer.

In that dream I saw myself taking authority over the thing I feared the most. Praise God!

We are in some trying times right now, and a lot of folks are fearful of what tomorrow may bring. We are afraid to go out and afraid of staying in. We are fearful for our finances, our jobs, our children, our families…our country…our world. But in Psalm 34, the Bible says that God delivered us from ALL our fears. And if He said it…I am determined to believe it!

Until next time…

Be blessed

Welcome 2023!

Welcome 2023!

Happy New Year!!!

Praying that everyone had a great start to a great new year! Even if you didn’t, I pray that God turns that thing around for you.

I think this year I want to do things a little differently. I don’t particularly like doing resolutions, but I still typically list at least a few things that I hope to accomplish in the new year. This time I don’t want to do that. I want to set one goal for myself. A stretch goal. Something that I know God has been showing me.

I am so glad He is so patient with us. 

The Bible says in part that only what we do for God will last (2 Cor. 5:9-10). I can only speak for myself, but I don’t want anything that God doesn’t want for me. In the past I did. I just wanted what I wanted. I would do things, and then have to ask for forgiveness, because I didn’t do what He told me to do.

Not anymore. If God is not in it…I don’t want any part of it.

I don’t want to keep doing things over because I didn’t listen the first time. I want God to know that my only goal is for my life to be pleasing to Him. The Bible says that if we seek His kingdom first, then all the other things will be added unto us (Luke 12:31). Anyway, we can have all the material things in the world…including money, and still be miserable. And here’s the thing…submitting our plans to God first means we understand WHO is really in control. 

When we listen for His voice, and keep our eyes on Him…nothing will be impossible for us. 

The best way I know to discern what God is speaking to us is to read His word. The Bible has in it every plan, every direction, and every goal that He desires for us. 

Start by reading Psalm 23. It is God’s love letter to us. Read it out loud, and when you read those words…really listen to them. It’s just comforting to know that God continually pursues us, watches over us and looks for ways to bless us. 

Until next time…

Be blessed