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Tag: Power

The Power of God’s Presence

The Power of God’s Presence

The power of God’s presence can be overwhelming, but it can be empowering too. 

Most of the time though we don’t even realize he is there. We go about our lives without recognizing, or even acknowledging Him. We get so used to Him being there that we start to take Him for granted. 

It’s not intentional, but it does take advantage of the way He loves us. 

We sometimes think that if we are where God is there is no conflict, no issues, no problems, and when that doesn’t happen, we feel like He has abandoned us. The truth is there is never a time when we are not in His presence. So, when we are going through our season of triumph or our season of turmoil…He is there. 

In Psalm 139:4-6, it says, “God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I’m an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of your sight. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too—your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful—I can’t take it all in!” (MSG)

These verses are saying that no matter where we are or what we do…God knows us intimately. Before we even think a thought, or speak a word…He knows. 

It’s comforting to know that no matter where we are, we are never alone. That in Him there is no condemnation, no guilt, and no shame. That we can find peace that surpasses all understanding, love that overflows, and joy that really makes no sense at times.

Knowing that strengthens me, and gives me an assurance that can only come from being in His presence.

Until next time…

Be blessed

What Fear?

What Fear?

I remember a while ago, I had this dream about snakes. Seeing snakes…even on television quickens my spirit. When I was younger, a snake came out at me while I was playing in the tobacco barn. And I watched as my grandmother killed it with a tobacco stick. She had this fearlessness that I admired. My mother had it too. She wasn’t afraid of anything…at least not that I could tell. 

I wanted that fearlessness too.

I know what the Bible says about it. In 2 Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.” But I felt like it kept eluding me. But here is what God did. I prayed that God would give me power to overcome the spirit of fear. 

And He did it through a dream.

In this dream the snake came out and I saw it, but instead of running, I grabbed it by the neck and threw it down on the ground. Then I asked this man that was standing nearby to chop his head off. But, here’s the crazy thing….I kept replaying the scenario with different people killing the snake. I still grabbed it by the neck, but I asked different people to kill it…some were family members, and some were strangers. 

And what God revealed to me was that I was no longer bound to fear. And not only was I set free, but I was bringing some other people out with me. I had operated in fear for many years, and I asked God to show me what it felt like to NOT be afraid. All I know is that God answers prayer.

In that dream I saw myself taking authority over the thing I feared the most. Praise God!

We are in some trying times right now, and a lot of folks are fearful of what tomorrow may bring. We are afraid to go out and afraid of staying in. We are fearful for our finances, our jobs, our children, our families…our country…our world. But in Psalm 34, the Bible says that God delivered us from ALL our fears. And if He said it…I am determined to believe it!

Until next time…

Be blessed

Even When We Stand Alone

Even When We Stand Alone

Last week, I blogged about me following someone else. And for some reason, God is still dealing with me about that one. What that says to me is that there is someone else out there who is dealing with…or about to deal with the same thing. 

What really happened boiled down to people-pleasing, and that’s a form of fear. The fear of being rejected, of standing alone, of looking like a failure. That standing for what was right would cause them not to like me, or maybe not want me to be around. If I didn’t do what everyone else was doing…I would be different. 

Ummm…news flash, I am different, and I’m supposed to be…

The Bible says that when we give our lives to Christ, we are set apart. God’s word says so. In Deuteronomy 14:2 it says, “You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure.” We won’t blend in, because we’re not supposed to. 

And here’s the thing…whenever we want to do the right thing, and stand for God, He will give us all the strength we need every single time. He will never allow us to be put in a situation without giving us a way of escape.

What I realized is that it’s ok to stand for righteousness, and to do what thus saith the Lord. Sometimes, we will be the only one, and it won’t feel good standing alone. But even when it feels like we are standing alone…God is there. His word says He will never leave us. 

There is power in following, and living by His word, and believe it or not…people will actually respect you more when you do.

Until next time,

Be blessed 

No More Distractions!

No More Distractions!

Last year I didn’t really make any New Year resolutions, and it felt great. There was no way I could be disappointed for not living up to them if I didn’t make any. That really took the pressure off. But what I also realized is that I had no expectations of…anything. I definitely didn’t like that feeling. So I determined that this year I would make at least one resolution (I actually ended up with five).

The biggest one on my list was avoiding distractions. I am determined that this year will be the beginning of deleting people and things that distract me from my goals. The ones I have, and definitely the ones God has for me. What I realized too is that distractions were my way of procrastinating. If I did not have everything just right I would use that as an excuse to watch television, talk on the phone, or scroll the internet. Anything to keep from doing what I know I should have been doing. 

I know that it won’t be easy, but I trust in the promises of God. The Bible says that I am more than a conqueror, and I believe that. I want to complete some projects this year that have fallen by the wayside. And I want to enjoy everyday…even the ones that cause me to say scriptures out loud…lol. 

I love the Lord, and I know that He hears my prayers. He has put in me everything that I need to be the woman of God He has called me to be. I know that I have the power of the Lord within me, and that gives me strength for the journey. God is opening up new ways for me, and little by little, I am beginning to see the vision. I just have to stay the course.

I know that everything the world has gone through the last couple of  years has brought me to a new place in Him. He is my Comforter, my Hero, my Father, my Friend…and although His teaching is sometimes hard, I know that He is the best, most loving Teacher I have ever had. I am so grateful for always being so patient with me. 

I’m looking forward to 2022, because I know that God will be with me every step of the way. And one way or another, He will help make all those distractions from last year work out for my good this year. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!

My Dream, God’s Plan

My Dream, God’s Plan

I am feeling the need to go deeper in the Lord. What I mean by that is, God is allowing me to see things from a different perspective. I think for the first time I am seeing that there really is nothing I can’t do when I connect my faith with His power. 

You know how it is when you know God is calling you to something, but you just can’t seem to get out of your own way. Well, I am realizing that I have been stifling my own creativity by not believing in my own dream. It finally dawned on me that the vision is for doing…not just for seeing. Wow…that was good even to me. I have been looking at the dream God has given me like it was going to magically appear. Ummmm…there won’t be any lucky charm moments. I can’t keep wishing and hoping. I have to be willing to do the work. 

Even though I have read what the Bible says about me, and the plans God has for my life, I am still finding it hard to walk in it. I have to get my mind to be in agreement with my heart, and my heart has to be in agreement with my spirit and it all has to be in agreement with God’s plan, and I am finding that if any one of those things begins to act independently of the other, it all gets out of balance, and out of order. That’s when I need the help of the Holy Spirit, because I know He will lead the way out, and show me the way to go.  

Right now it is time to step it up…to dig into God’s word like never before, and let myself believe in the dream that’s been waiting for me. 

God has so much for all of us…if we just let Him lead the way.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday

Today is Pentecost Sunday. A day of celebration, and high worship. It is the day Christians celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit. It is actually 50 days or seven Sundays after the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts 2). It not only marks the beginning of the Christian church, but it also marks the beginning of a whole new way of thinking, a whole new way of praying, and a whole new way of believing.

This day may not mean much to some people, but to many Christians it signifies receiving the power of the Holy Spirit. That power enables us to do ALL that God has created us to do. We have the power to live righteous, and faithful lives based on the truth of God’s word. It means that we are not alone–ever. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is our Helper. He leads us, guides us, teaches us, comforts us, and even goes to God for us when we pray. And if all of that were not enough–He gives us gifts (Read 1 Corinthians 12:4–11). How amazing is that? 

The other awesome thing is that God has designed it so that no one’s gift is more important than anyone else’s. We all have something to offer, and it is up to us to love Him enough to want to use what we have been given to serve the Kingdom of God. It should be our privilege to serve one another, because by doing that–we ultimately end up serving Him. 

I am so grateful that God loved us so much…and still loves us so much that His plan didn’t leave out the fact that we would need help every now and then. And no matter how bad or how blessed our lives appear to be…He will always show up for us. We can count on that.

God has provided for us everything we will ever need to live an abundant life in Him. All we have to do is receive it. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

Growing Faith

Growing Faith

I just feel in my spirit that this is the year for growth. That all those things that we have been through is growing us to a new level of faith in God. I have had to dig deeper than I ever have before, and God is showing me things He has never shown me before. I know that He is taking me to a new level in Him, and it scares me a little. But our Father is so awesome. No matter what happens, He promises to never leave us…not for anything. We can trust that. He will always keep His promise.

God’s word in Romans 8:37-39 says, “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This is one of my favorite scriptures. This one says that because of the sacrifice Jesus made at the cross on our behalf…we are assured the victory in every situation. He laid down His life so that we could surrender ours…

Today, I just wanted to remind you that the battle you are going through is not your end. Don’t give up…keep holding onto God’s unchanging hand. He has a purpose and a plan for everything that happens in your life. If you put your trust in Him, and hold on…He will show you some great and miraculous things.

Until next time…

Be blessed!