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We Can Never Pray Too Much!

We Can Never Pray Too Much!

As believers we should be getting outside of our church walls to do something to make a difference in the world. 

Our world will never get better if we all lock ourselves in our homes, and shake our heads at the problem. The saying goes that if you are not part of the solution…you are part of the problem. I want to be a part of the solution. But what does that look like?

I think it looks something like this…

The children in our world deserve a chance. They should be able to experience what it feels like to run and play without the fear of being abducted or shot. Today, we hardly ever see little girls playing hopscotch or jacks, or little boys playing baseball in the neighborhood. It shouldn’t be that way. 

When I was a little girl, we ran all over the neighborhood, and we didn’t worry about coming home until the street lights came on. Our children today will never know what that kind of freedom feels like…not unless we do something about it.

One thing we can do for sure is pray. 

Pray for change. Pray for direction. Pray for strength. Pray for peace. Pray for your neighbors…and your neighborhood. Pray for those who don’t have a relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. Pray that God continues to show this world mercy. Pray because His grace is sufficient. Pray that love will grow more and more until there is no room for hate.

We can never pray too much. I know that may seem idealistic to some, but I believe it’s possible. The Bible says that anything is possible to those who believe (Mark 9:23). I believe. I believe in the power of prayer. And I hope you believe too. God’s word says that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name, He will do it (John 14:14). So, believe that it’s already done.

Don’t stop praying. And don’t stop believing that when the time is right…God will answer.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Pray Like God Hears

Pray Like God Hears

I only have one message for you today, and that is…prayer is needed.

God is calling on us to step into the office of intercessor and pray for those who can’t find the words to pray for themselves. Sometimes….actually most of the time we are not going to see the things we have prayed for. That’s what having faith is all about. Faith is knowing that God will even though we don’t see it.

I think the problem for most of us is that we don’t believe that God will answer our prayers. I mean, we hope that He does, but there is that little nagging voice saying…He probably won’t do it. That voice is not of God, because over and over in the Bible it says that He will. 

John 15:7 says, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”

Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.

Isaiah 65:24 says He doesn’t even wait for us to ask, “Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear.

There are way too many promises in the Bible of how God answers prayer to list them here today. The point is that He does. Anyone that says differently just doesn’t know our Father. 

The thing is…God will answer…He just may not answer the way we want.

God loves us so much that He sent His One and Only Son, Jesus Christ, to the cross to die a death He didn’t deserve. And because He did that….we can be assured that God does hear us, and He will respond.

He knows us, and He knows what He has placed down on the inside of each one of us, and right now He needs us to tap into that power to pray for one another like never before.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Walk In Your Authority

Walk In Your Authority

OK, right now, I am in the midst of being tested in every direction. I mean I know that opposition will come when you do anything for the Lord. Let’s just make that real clear. Whenever you are doing anything for God the enemy is going to get busy. I thought I was ready for it…but not like this. Right now, it feels like he is coming in every direction.

I work really hard on not being easily offended. So, you have to really go in to offend me. Lately though everythinnng is offending me. I am feeling frustrated, irritated, stressed, even angry about everything and nothing. I’m not sure how that’s possible, but it is and I don’t like it. I don’t like this feeling of constant aggravation. And here is the thing that frustrates me the most…I am the only one who can do anything about it.

I thank God for the ability to hear His voice even in the midst of my struggles. I am thankful that in times like this I know that I can go to God in prayer. There is power in prayer. When we pray…God moves. He responds. He answers. I am so thankful that God not only gave me that power, but He also placed me in the midst of some powerful prayer warriors. I know that even when I don’t have enough sense to pray for myself…they pray for me.

Today, I am using my authority to resign from being the enemy’s punching bag. I will no longer allow him to play with my emotions. No longer will he have any place in my life. The Bible says that he is the ruler of this world, but that doesn’t give him the right to be ruler over me…or over any of God’s people. We follow the Lord. Luke 10:19 says, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.” It also says in John 8:36 that, “Who the Son sets free is free indeed.”

So, if I am a follower of Christ…and I am. Giving up is not in my DNA. It is not an option. I can’t afford to get tired. I can’t afford to let the enemy slow me down. God has work for me to do. I just have to believe what God’s word says, and walk in that authority.  

Until next time…

Be blessed

And It Is So

And It Is So

In one of my last posts, I spoke about letting God down by allowing my focus to be on others’ needs and not on Him. That has been on my mind a lot lately. My prayer is that I remain available to God, and to what He is calling me to do. That He can call on me at any time, and that I will respond. That is not always the case, but I am trying ya’ll.

I had a conversation with one of my sisters about being, “out of the box,” and what that really means. God has been calling us to do things that are so far out of our comfort zone that we no longer have a comfort zone. That is both comforting and disturbing at the same time. Comforting, because I know God is always with me, guiding me and protecting me. Showing me things about myself that still amaze me, and disturbing because I no longer know what being comfortable feels like.

In Acts 20:24 the Apostle Paul said, “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” That is my goal…to glorify my Father, and to run my race–no matter what.

I don’t want to lean on my own understanding anymore. I want to be so totally dependent on God that I won’t make a move without Him. That’s my desire, and God’s word says He will give us the desires of our hearts. So, I am just believing that in the name of Jesus, it is so.

Until next time…

Be blessed

A New Place

A New Place

I have always been a worrier…although I like the word cautious better. I try to plan out everything, because I don’t like leaving things to chance. That’s just not who I am…or at least not who I used to be. Thankfully, I have allowed myself to be changed. When you give your life to God, He really does change you. 

A good friend once told me that I needed to be more spontaneous, but I tried to even plan that.

This year I made a promise to myself that I will not feel guilty for making a mistake. I would not hold myself hostage to the things I said I would do by the time I was 18, 21, 40, or for not following through on my own plans. I am just giving myself permission to rest in who God has made me to be. Even the Bible says, “Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture” (Psalm 100:3). It says so right in the scripture. God made us, and He knows the plan…not us. Our job is to follow Him.

I know that it won’t be easy, but I trust in the promises of God, and I want to be so close to Him that He trips over me every time He turns around. I want to enjoy every day…even the ones that cause me to say scriptures out loud…lol.

I love the Lord, and I know that everything He does is good—whether I think so at the time or not. I know that God hears my prayers, and that He has put in me everything that I need to be the woman of God that He has called me to be. I know that I have the power of the Lord within me, and that gives me strength for the journey. I trust Him in a way I never have before. He is opening up new ways for me, and little by little, I am beginning to see the vision.

I know that everything I went through over the last couple of years has brought me to a new place in Him. He is my Comforter, my Hero, my Friend…and although His teaching is sometimes hard, I know that it is necessary, and I know He always works it out for my good.

Lord, I pray for the person who is reading this message today. I pray that you reveal to them a new way of seeing…that they begin to see with their hearts—and not their eyes. I pray that they will see the manifestation of whatever dream you have given to them. I pray that they will hold on to Your promises, and that whenever they feel weak, they will remember that they have an Advocate who is standing by waiting

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Do The Work

Do The Work

sometimes I forget that God does not look at us the way we look at ourselves. What I see in the mirror is totally different from what God sees. When He looks at me He sees His Son, Jesus Christ. I am covered by the blood of Jesus, so God no longer sees the me I used to be…He sees the me I will be. I thank Jesus for covering me and protecting me. For giving me a brand new start. I love knowing that I have another chance to get it right.

It’s not so much about achieving some thing. Sometimes it’s just about being a blessing. My prayer is that God will allow me to be a blessing to someone everyday and that He will send someone my way that needs a witness of Him. And I pray that when He does, I honor Him well. I pray that He smiles when my feet hit the floor in the morning. But, I don’t do the things I do expecting anything. I just love Him.

We especially need to be dedicated to uplifting and empowering the next generation. There is so much work to be done, and God is calling all of us to do it. If God has not given you anything to do yet…doesn’t mean that He won’t. Until He does, pray for those who are already working in the field. Your purpose, your part, may be to encourage someone else to do the work. Nothing is wasted with God. 

Don’t wait for a consensus…you may never get it. If you know you have been chosen to do a work, pray a prayer, sow a seed for the Kingdom, pray and ask God to bless it and then trust Him to make it happen. He will guide you to resources that you didn’t even see. I love how He does that. Then believe that when you take those first steps in faith—God will be with you.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

What I’m Praying

What I’m Praying

Since this pandemic began, my life has been transformed in so many ways that it is hard to keep up. And unless you have been living under a rock, your life has gone through some kind of transformation too.

Lately though I find myself forgetting every now and then. I’ll go out to run some errands, and pull up in front of a store that is no longer in business or has not reopened yet. It feels unsettling a little. Uncertain…even a little fearful. At those times, I wish things would go back to pre-pandemic days when things felt more familiar. I want to go out without grabbing a mask first, and get together without having to sit six feet apart. I even want to complain about having so much to do that I can’t wait to take a vacation. In short, I want my life back. But do I really?

As I worked through those thoughts, I realized that what my life is like now is to some extent…what I had been praying for. I had been asking God to help me focus on what was really important. To allow me to do the things that I loved to do. To have the time to finish some of the projects I had been putting off, and the biggest one…to spend more time in communion with Him. So why would I want to go back to a lifestyle that always left me wanting? The answer is…I don’t. At least not all of it.I enjoy having uninterrupted time to think and to pray and to really stop and smell the roses. I enjoy Zoom calls and Facebook Live and working in my yard. 

I think it’s in our nature to want what we don’t have. I’m praying that things never go back to what they were before…I’m praying that things will be better. I pray that we take the blinders off, and really look at what is happening around us. I pray that we are more aware of the injustices in our country, and in our world. I pray that we focus on someone other than ourselves and our own comfort. I pray that we treat each other better. And I pray that if nothing else, this pandemic has awakened us all to the reality that tomorrow really is not promised.

Until next time…

Be blessed