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It’s that Next Level Worship for me!

It’s that Next Level Worship for me!

Praise is good. Getting it…giving it…it always feels good, but let me tell you there is something about worship that just takes your praise to the next level. 

I know they feel the same, but there is a difference. I can praise you for doing a good job, but I will never worship you. My worship is reserved for God. I worship Him; I adore Him and I love Him with a love that can’t even be put into words. He is the great I AM and there is nothing or no one greater than He is. 

Meditating on His greatness makes me want to run around the block. 

Whenever we sing songs about the blood in our church I get this overwhelming feeling of reverence for Him. The Bible says there is power in the blood of Jesus. It is cleansing. It is healing. It is freeing. And I am a witness that the Blood still works.

Sometimes we have to go through those low places….those valleys in our lives, and it’s no fun. But let me tell you…God is there in that place…teaching, training, and loving us through it. His blood reaches every area of our lives. Look, what that song says is true…that blood never loses its power. Oh my goodness! I feel that. 

Somebody needs to know that what you are going through is not because you did anything wrong. It is God preparing you for your next level.

I felt Holy Spirit touch my heart today, and He took me to that place where only God and I can reside. It’s in that place that you can ask anything, and know with certainty that He hears you. 

I pray today that you fall in love with Him all over again…that you dedicate your life to Him all over again, because for this next level, we are going to have to forget all about what we want, and just focus on what God wants for us. 

Pull close to Him, because when we do that…He will take care of everything else.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Let’s Have Church!

Let’s Have Church!

God just continually blows my mind. 

I remember once when we were ministering at the nursing home God really showed up. He changed that place into a birthing room. You could feel that somebody was being delivered. Chains broken. Set free. 

When we arrived, some of the women were just praising and worshiping the Lord. They had their hands upraised and they were singing to the songs that one of the nurses had playing on her phone. It was amazing. 

We forget that even though they are now living in a nursing home, before they became residents, they were probably active in ministry. They were ushering in the spirit of the Lord and we could feel His presence there. You could tell that they had forgotten all about it being a nursing home…it was a sanctuary. And the hearts of the people were wide open to receive.

I love it when the word falls on fertile ground. 

When the word was brought forth, they were ready. God speaks to us in many ways, and today He spoke to me through the residents at that nursing home. He showed me that being shut in doesn’t mean that you are shut out. That just because you are not in church doesn’t mean you can’t have church. And it doesn’t matter where we are when we praise Him…all that matters is that we do. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

When Jesus Is In The Room

When Jesus Is In The Room

Sundays are my favorite day of the week. I love going to church. I know we can praise and worship anytime we want, but there is something about praising and worshiping with a group of people who love the Lord like you do. Today, was one of those days. The Spirit of the Lord took over…and that’s exactly what should happen. 

We can’t be so tied to tradition that every service is just like every other service, and we shouldn’t want that either. We have to praise like there is nobody but Jesus in the room…

We shouldn’t hold anything back from God because He hasn’t held anything back from us. When it comes down to it…He is the only one we need to please, and the only reason that we do anything anyway. He has done so much, and given so much for us…that praise is the least we can do. 

And how about this…our praise is not going to look like anyone else’s and that’s a good thing…it is as unique as we are. God made us all different for a reason.

This week, just open your heart to Him without reservation. He deserves our undivided attention. Our time here on earth is so limited, don’t waste it on things that don’t matter. The way we praise and worship is not as important as acknowledging when Jesus is in the room. Do whatever the Lord leads you to do…and don’t worry about who may be watching.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Honoring God

Honoring God

I am so overwhelmed by the love of the Lord. I know what the prophet Jeremiah meant when he said, “It’s like fire shut up in my bones” (Jeremiah 20:9). I just know that what I am feeling on the inside has to be showing up on the outside. There is no explaining worship. It just is. And, here’s the thing…It is in our walk, it is in our talk, it is in our work, and it is in our living. It is even in those things that cause us the most grief. Worship is not only when we are in church with other saints. Worship is an everyday act of honoring God. 

Worship is thanking God for allowing everything we go through to have a purpose. It’s knowing that even though it is sometimes painful…we can still praise God right in the midst of our pain. I heard a preacher say once that our trials…our burdens don’t always come from the enemy. Sometimes, we are praying that God removes the thing He designed to keep us humble. 

I believe that our greatest opposition, trial, or burden, reminds us that no matter how successful we become, or how talented we may be…we can do nothing without God. He is the Creator and the Sustainer of everything that is anything. He is our Rock and our Fortress. He is the One and Only True and Living God. He is our Provider, our Healer, and the Lifter of our heads. He deserves our worship, and He deserves our praise. He is all these things and so much more.

And, every now and then, I think we should stop and just tell Him so.

Until next time…

Be blessed