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Month: July 2023

The Power of God’s Presence

The Power of God’s Presence

The power of God’s presence can be overwhelming, but it can be empowering too. 

Most of the time though we don’t even realize he is there. We go about our lives without recognizing, or even acknowledging Him. We get so used to Him being there that we start to take Him for granted. 

It’s not intentional, but it does take advantage of the way He loves us. 

We sometimes think that if we are where God is there is no conflict, no issues, no problems, and when that doesn’t happen, we feel like He has abandoned us. The truth is there is never a time when we are not in His presence. So, when we are going through our season of triumph or our season of turmoil…He is there. 

In Psalm 139:4-6, it says, “God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand. I’m an open book to you; even from a distance, you know what I’m thinking. You know when I leave and when I get back; I’m never out of your sight. You know everything I’m going to say before I start the first sentence. I look behind me and you’re there, then up ahead and you’re there, too—your reassuring presence, coming and going. This is too much, too wonderful—I can’t take it all in!” (MSG)

These verses are saying that no matter where we are or what we do…God knows us intimately. Before we even think a thought, or speak a word…He knows. 

It’s comforting to know that no matter where we are, we are never alone. That in Him there is no condemnation, no guilt, and no shame. That we can find peace that surpasses all understanding, love that overflows, and joy that really makes no sense at times.

Knowing that strengthens me, and gives me an assurance that can only come from being in His presence.

Until next time…

Be blessed

It’s OK to Take Time to Rest

It’s OK to Take Time to Rest

Ok, so today at church my pastor spoke about the sabbath, and how it was set aside as a day of rest…not for God, but for us.

He talked about how many people get so hooked up on when the sabbath is supposed to be that they forget what the whole purpose of what the day is supposed to be for. What he said was that the sabbath may be different depending on your faith. The point is…that it was intended to be a day of rest. And whatever day you set aside…just make sure it is set aside unto God.

I was blown away. Not so much because of what he said, but because I will be speaking on a similar topic at a women’s conference in August. God is so strategic, I love how he confirms that what you are doing is on track. He even reminded me of a few things that I needed to include. 

Rest is one of those things that people get so mixed up. Either we rest so much that we don’t get anything done, or we never take time to really let our bodies rest, because we feel so guilty. We really believe that if we are not doing anything, we need to find something to do. 

And to prove that point, on my way home from church I stopped to talk to my nephew, and he said he wasn’t doing anything but lying around, so he was thinking about working on his car. I told him to just let his body rest, and you know what he said…”I’ll rest when I’m dead.” 

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that to be the only time I take time to rest.

I am so excited about this conference now, because I know that there is going to be someone in attendance that God is trying to reach. He always gives me a specific word that sometimes doesn’t even make sense to me. But I have learned not to question it. I just do exactly what He says, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. 

I can’t wait to tell you all about it.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Sometimes It’s Going to Take a Pressing

Sometimes It’s Going to Take a Pressing

The song, You Made a Way, by Travis Greene sums up how I am feeling today. 

God never ceases to amaze me. He keeps making a way out of no way. Just when you think nothing makes sense…He does something to show you that there is a plan in place and that if you hang in there He will show you some amazing things.

I was thinking about how God works when the Holy Spirit dropped in my spirit that sometimes to get fresh oil…to get a fresh anointing…there will be a pressing. It may appear that things are not getting any better, and you are not going to make it. But that pressing is bringing out the best in you. That pressing is not going to take you out…it is going to make you stronger. 

The Lord is moving mountains for you. He is causing walls to fall. He is removing obstacles and opening doors that no man can shut. But none of that will happen until you give up your right to be right. God needs you to know that in Him is where you will find your strength, your joy, your peace and your power.

God will never fail you. Nothing about what you are going through is random. God is bringing out of you what you will need in the days, months and years to come. He knows what you are going to come up against, so He has already sent ahead of you what you will need when you get there.

There will be things that are going to try to make you quit, but God will not allow you to abort your purpose. 

Right now you may be going through a pressing…just know that it is not designed to take you out, but to build you up, and strengthen your relationship with Him. God is always with you. Trust the process.

Until next time…

Be blessed

It’s that Next Level Worship for me!

It’s that Next Level Worship for me!

Praise is good. Getting it…giving it…it always feels good, but let me tell you there is something about worship that just takes your praise to the next level. 

I know they feel the same, but there is a difference. I can praise you for doing a good job, but I will never worship you. My worship is reserved for God. I worship Him; I adore Him and I love Him with a love that can’t even be put into words. He is the great I AM and there is nothing or no one greater than He is. 

Meditating on His greatness makes me want to run around the block. 

Whenever we sing songs about the blood in our church I get this overwhelming feeling of reverence for Him. The Bible says there is power in the blood of Jesus. It is cleansing. It is healing. It is freeing. And I am a witness that the Blood still works.

Sometimes we have to go through those low places….those valleys in our lives, and it’s no fun. But let me tell you…God is there in that place…teaching, training, and loving us through it. His blood reaches every area of our lives. Look, what that song says is true…that blood never loses its power. Oh my goodness! I feel that. 

Somebody needs to know that what you are going through is not because you did anything wrong. It is God preparing you for your next level.

I felt Holy Spirit touch my heart today, and He took me to that place where only God and I can reside. It’s in that place that you can ask anything, and know with certainty that He hears you. 

I pray today that you fall in love with Him all over again…that you dedicate your life to Him all over again, because for this next level, we are going to have to forget all about what we want, and just focus on what God wants for us. 

Pull close to Him, because when we do that…He will take care of everything else.

Until next time…

Be blessed

What Happens To Us Matters To God

What Happens To Us Matters To God

God keeps blessing me over and over again, and not because I do everything right, or that I am so special. I know that I am special to Him. I’m not sure about a lot of things, but I am sure that God loves me. And I know it, because that’s what His word says.

It says that…at the moment I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I was redeemed, I was justified…I was changed, 

It’s still so amazing to me that God cares for me…that He cares for all of us. 

  • It matters to Him when someone hurts us. 
  • It matters to Him when we don’t live up to our full potential. 
  • It matters to Him that sometimes I still get afraid. 

We are His creation, and He takes great pride in our achievements. When we don’t do what God has called us to do we are living out of order, because if He says we are…we are, and if He says we can…we can.

God had a plan for all of us way before we were born. What we do matters to Him, and it should matter to us. We sometimes get so down on ourselves, especially when we compare our lives to other people. 

God doesn’t feel that way about us, and He doesn’t want us to feel that way about ourselves. God needs us to help carry out His ministry on the earth. Don’t get me wrong…God can do it without us, but He gave us specific gifts and He wants us to use them for the Kingdom. That’s what it says in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”

So, that’s really all I wanted to say today….

You matter to God, and what happens to you matters to Him.

Until next time…

Be blessed