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Tag: Change

We Can Never Pray Too Much!

We Can Never Pray Too Much!

As believers we should be getting outside of our church walls to do something to make a difference in the world. 

Our world will never get better if we all lock ourselves in our homes, and shake our heads at the problem. The saying goes that if you are not part of the solution…you are part of the problem. I want to be a part of the solution. But what does that look like?

I think it looks something like this…

The children in our world deserve a chance. They should be able to experience what it feels like to run and play without the fear of being abducted or shot. Today, we hardly ever see little girls playing hopscotch or jacks, or little boys playing baseball in the neighborhood. It shouldn’t be that way. 

When I was a little girl, we ran all over the neighborhood, and we didn’t worry about coming home until the street lights came on. Our children today will never know what that kind of freedom feels like…not unless we do something about it.

One thing we can do for sure is pray. 

Pray for change. Pray for direction. Pray for strength. Pray for peace. Pray for your neighbors…and your neighborhood. Pray for those who don’t have a relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. Pray that God continues to show this world mercy. Pray because His grace is sufficient. Pray that love will grow more and more until there is no room for hate.

We can never pray too much. I know that may seem idealistic to some, but I believe it’s possible. The Bible says that anything is possible to those who believe (Mark 9:23). I believe. I believe in the power of prayer. And I hope you believe too. God’s word says that whatever we ask in Jesus’ name, He will do it (John 14:14). So, believe that it’s already done.

Don’t stop praying. And don’t stop believing that when the time is right…God will answer.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Open Mind

Open Mind

The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting colder. It’s starting to feel a lot like winter is coming. This time of year always reminds me that the holidays are fast approaching. 

I have always loved Christmas. I even love the tired and frustrated cashiers…because, I know that at the end of the day…they are trying to get it done just like everybody else. As followers of Christ, we have to be able to represent Him wherever we go…even when we are standing in long lines!

But, for the last couple of years it hasn’t been the same, and what I used to enjoy is now becoming more of a chore. We have had so many losses, and changes in my family that I am beginning to struggle with the thought of the holidays coming. On the one hand, I love everything about the holidays…especially Christmas. I have always loved watching Christmas movies, singing Christmas  songs, and even baking Christmas cookies. Now, it all just makes me realize how much we have lost, and how different everything will be from now on.

But even with feeling the way I do, I still believe the words in Nehemiah 8:10  when it says, “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” We will get our joy back. We will get our peace back. We will get back everything the enemy has tried to take from us, because that’s how our God works. Nobody can take what God has decreed belongs to us.

Although change is hard, especially when it involves a loss, we can trust that God has a blessing right in the midst of it. Even knowing that, coming to terms with it is still not easy. Trying to pick up our lives, and move on knowing that nothing in our lives will ever be the same is difficult. But, this year I will be working hard to embrace this new chapter with an open mind knowing that with God’s help I can do anything.

Until next time…

Be blessed

New normal (New name)

New normal (New name)

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend, and we were talking about our “new normal.” People tend to use that term whenever things in their lives are no longer the same. When things change so much that it no longer resembles what it used to be. But what is “normal” about that? And life changes are definitely not new.

For some reason, I never liked that term. And I like it even less now. I’m not sure I ever knew what “normal” was supposed to look like…but what we are experiencing now is definitely not it. 

We talked about our virtual lives, and how we have begun to use the internet to do everything from selling merchandise to attending conferences. We even talked about the number of people who are being reached for God that may never have set foot inside of a church building. But even with all of the positive things happening, there is still something missing. The one thing this “new normal” can never replace is the human touch. There is nothing normal about not being able to shake someone’s hand, sit in a movie or console a friend without fear. There is nothing normal about not being able to go out in public without a mask, visit someone in the hospital, or even God forbid…attend a funeral. And there is nothing normal about having to wash your hands with sanitizer every five minutes, or even hug a friend.

I know this situation will not last forever. And I thank God for that. One day we’ll look back on this time and marvel at our ability to cope under these extraordinary circumstances. We will even reminisce about how some of us actually thrived during this time. I’m looking forward to that day. In the meantime, even though I know I can’t change the things that have happened because of this pandemic, I can change what I call it…

I think I’ll just call it “different.” 

Until next time…

Be blessed

It’s a new beginning

It’s a new beginning

Back in January, we were looking forward to an awesome new year. To maybe accomplish some things we didn’t get to do in 2019. Well…

Time has been flying by, which is crazy since the whole Coronavirus thing has literally slowed the whole world down. And I don’t know about you, but the days are beginning to run into one another, and Monday is beginning to look like Saturday. But even in that, we have to look for the blessings in all of this. We can whine and complain, but that just makes us and everyone around us miserable. Who wants that? 

We have definitely had time to re-think, re-evaluate, and re-position some things. It has been the greatest do-over ever! Whatever it is that you didn’t have time to do before–you have plenty of time to do it now. The Bible says in Genesis 50:20 that what the enemy meant for evil, God will work it out for our good. 

We are in the eighth month of the year. Biblically, the number eight means “New Beginnings.” If anybody is in need of a new beginning it’s us, right? This is our time to start fresh…to learn to make the best of things. Change is not necessarily a bad thing. It can take us out of our comfort zone, open new doors of opportunity, and help us grow into the people God has called us to be. Be willing to change course. Be willing to pivot. Be willing to do it differently.

This is a new beginning. How will you respond?

Until next time…

Be blessed

Changing World

Changing World

One of the things I am noticing during this time of being shut in is that we are some fickle folks. For various reasons, people are not overjoyed at the thought of being shut in alone or even with family members. And I am not talking about those who may be in physical or mental harm. I am speaking of the ones who have prayed to have time off from work, or who wanted to have more time to do…well, nothing. For those folks I say…find a way to make the best of it. Because it will be over before you know it, and you will be wishing that you had spent more time enjoying it. 

For many, this has been a very productive time. Some are taking this time to work on new projects, organize closets, learn new skills, start new businesses or even spend uninterrupted time alone with God. Sadly, all of us are not having that same experience. So, we have work to do. That means we have to be more creative when reaching out to others. 

I have seen some really creative ideas for keeping in touch. Some of my friends and family members have started getting together online to throw birthday parties or game nights. I recently saw online that a group of people got together to drive by their pastor’s house to wave and blow their car horns to let him know how much they missed him. I saw a mother who got together with other family members to wish her daughter a happy birthday. And I even saw a group of police officers drive by with sirens blaring to give a little girl gifts for her birthday. I have seen pastors preaching from the back of trucks and people all over the world singing in worship to the Lord. How awesome is that! It is refreshing to see folks really stepping up for one another. From going to the grocery store for a neighbor to making phone calls to check in on folks. Our world will never be the same, and I don’t think that is necessarily a bad thing. 

Until next time…

Be blessed