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Month: October 2020

Can God Really Use Me?

Can God Really Use Me?

My last few posts have talked about our destiny, our faith, and God’s grace toward us. Thinking about that has me wondering exactly what God sees in me. Why in the world would He want to use me? I mean, I mess up…a lot. I hardly ever go from point A to point B. I like making turns. So, I usually end up taking much longer to get to places than I’m sure is necessary. I don’t know why I do it. I don’t want to do things over and over, but I find myself having to repeat certain lessons because I only listen to half the instructions, or I don’t listen at all. Pray for me…

I’m just thankful that God uses us just as we are. Even with all of our baggage, He finds value in us. God takes all of our experiences and teaches us how to use them so that He gets the glory, and we get the blessing–for ourselves, and others. God uses everything that we have been through to lead us to our place of healing, and wholeness. The crazy thing is that it happens so gradually sometimes that we barely even notice.

Our lives mean something. We are not defeated; we are not rejected, and we are not mistakes (even though sometimes it feels like it). We are made perfect through Jesus Christ. And because of that, God connects our hearts to His. He does it in a way that allows us to step out of who we are, or who we used to be, and into who He has called us to be. He uses our everyday living to slowly transform us into the image of His Son, which in turn blesses someone else.

So, I guess God can really use me. He uses all of us…even when we don’t realize it. We belong to Him, and He will always have a place for us, and work for us to do.

Until next time…

Be blessed.

Fear of Faith

Fear of Faith

I know…that sounds crazy. How can you have fear of faith? For the last couple of weeks, we have been talking about destiny. And even though our destiny is tailor-made for us, we can delay our destiny by being fearful. I have heard people say, “What is for me is for me, and no one can take it from me.” I believe that too. But I also know that God will use someone else to do what we will not. Now, we may eventually get around to it, but by then, God will have already raised someone else up to take our place, and our destiny will still belong to us. God will never change His mind about us, or what He has chosen for us to do, but He needs people who are going to trust Him more than they fear faith. 

See, faith will tell you that you can do anything. But fear will say don’t believe that! Romans 1:9 states, “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.” That is good in theory, but the reality of it can be scary, right? That’s where we have to tap into God’s grace. His grace steps in to combine with our faith so that we can do all that God has called us to do. He gives us just enough faith to handle each challenge we face. That way, we won’t get boastful; thinking more highly of ourselves than we should (Romans 12:3). We have the choice right now to change our way of thinking, and to not allow fear to keep us from what God wants to do in our lives; and what we can do for the Kingdom of God. 

I believe that God is calling us to a higher purpose in this season, and we have to stop having fear of faith. In John 14:12 it says, “I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” God has a plan for us, and He will be there with us every step of the way. We just have to let His voice speak louder than that of our fear.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Take the limits off God

Take the limits off God

So, last week I talked about how we can sometimes short-circuit our destiny, and it made me think about a time when that happened to me. I was at a Women’s Ministry meeting at my church and at a certain point in the meeting, the Director asked us to share our testimonies, words of encouragement, etc. Well, if anyone should have a testimony it should have been me. I was the brand new author of a book entitled, “Let My Life Be A Testimony.” I should definitely have had something to share, right?

I sat there feeling like I was going to burst, because God had been so good to me that I didn’t even know where to start, but that night, I didn’t share–almost no one did. The Director had to go around the room and just point out the different ways that she knew we had been blessed. That was so embarrassing. I will never forget that. The sad thing is that I spent many years after that doing the same thing.

That experience taught me that walking in my destiny was going to take some work on my part. First, I needed to believe that I deserved a better life. That God saw me, and had a plan just for me. Then, I had to stop working against myself. What I mean by that is that I had to be bold enough to walk in the path God was laying out for me. When God moved me to share, I had to stop second guessing Him and just do it. I have learned to trust that God will never lead me down a dead end. If He moves me to do something…someone, somewhere, needs it.

We have to stop trying to figure it all out by ourselves, and take the limits off God, He will show us things that we never even imagined and take us to places that we never thought we would go. And guess what? That’s only the beginning. He has so much to show us if we let Him. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Let’s Finish Strong

Let’s Finish Strong

We are in the last quarter of 2020. It’s crazy how fast time seems to be going. But it always feels like that when it gets close to the end of the year. Many of us will begin to go back over the year to see what we did, and didn’t do. Of course, with all that has gone on this year that task is going to be a lot different. But, because God loves us so much, He has given all of us a road map in His word. We just have to take the time to read it. 

I love looking deeper into God’s word, and finding new revelation. When we do that God reveals to us what He expects from us. The Book of Esther in particular is so good. It shows how we can overcome any obstacle when we take our minds off our own comfort and do what God is calling us to do. Here was a woman who had it all. She was young, beautiful, and she had the favor of the king—and she was willing to put it all on the line to save her people. She could have kept quiet. She could have, but she didn’t. Why would she jeopardize her own life for the life of others?

She did it—because it was her destiny. She was the one. She was chosen.

What has God chosen you for? What is it that you have been sitting on that God wants to use? 

What God helped me see, was that every time we don’t do what He is calling us to…we short-circuit our destiny. That revelation was huge. The one thing we don’t want at the end of our lives is to look back and see what could have been.

It is not too late. Let’s finish strong! 

So, for the next couple of weeks I will share with you what God shares with me in hopes that together we learn how to avoid doing those things that tend to keep us from the place God needs us to be. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!