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Month: January 2021



What a great and awesome God we serve. He never leaves us…not for a moment. He is constantly available to help lead us to our most highest selves. His love is so massive…that we can’t even begin to comprehend the depth of it. He is so much more than our words have a right to describe. The Bible says that His name is above every name. The word says that demons tremble at the sound of His name. It also says that when we “submit to God, resist the devil, he has to flee” (James 4:7). He has no choice. THAT is how big our God is. So why is it that we still get upset when people disappoint us…when they hurt us…when they act human….

I believe the reason is that we expect others to always put us…our feelings above their own. To treat us like they would want to be treated…to live by God’s standards. We keep looking to them and not to God, and every time we do that, we will be disappointed. The thing is to love each other the way God loves us…unconditionally, but still be able to extend the same grace to them God extends to us. I know that is easier said than done, but God knew that we wouldn’t be able to do it on our own.

First, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to save us, then He left us a helper…The Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us through all those times when our “flesh” wants to be in control. We have to be willing to give up what we want and accept what God wants. In John 15:17 it simply says,”This is my command: Love each other.” Period. Not because you treat me right…not because I deserve it….not even because I want to…but, because God has commanded it.

So, this week, let God lead. Open your heart to Him, and allow Him to do a work in you. Put Him in the middle of every relationship–and then watch Him work.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Defeating Procrastination…again

Defeating Procrastination…again

I am determined to find out why I am living a life that vacillates between being motionless and moving at the speed of light. 

For instance, I will find myself trying to finish projects while sitting in front of the television. That never works for me, but I find myself doing it a lot. I am also starting to be aware of the things I say, and think. For instance, I have been claiming “my procrastination.” I say it as if it is a part of me…like I don’t have a choice. Realizing that was a huge breakthrough for me. I had been speaking that over myself, and wondering why I had been so stuck in my life. I finally realized that if I wanted to live a life that is prosperous and fruitful, then I would have to first renew my thinking…and that’s where the book of Romans comes in.

In Romans 12:1-2 it says, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (KJV).

That was such a revelation to me. I have read that many times, but for some reason, I know that now I am ready to let go of the kind of thinking that looks for excuses. I am not at the mercy of my circumstances. I am, we are, empowered through the spirit of God that lives inside of us to do great things. I love how God’s word reaches out to us. How it speaks to us and gives us exactly what we need at the exact moment we need it.

Our God is bigger than any situation or circumstance…even procrastination. But even though I know that. Every now and then, I just need a little reminder.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Your Place in God

Your Place in God

Last year seems like a bad dream. The only problem is…it wasn’t a dream. The challenges we faced as a nation was something none of us were prepared for, and many of us thought we would never see. But last year also taught me some things. I learned a lot about myself, and I learned a lot about what God expected from and for me. I am a unique creation…enabled to do great things. We all are. It’s just hard believing that when all around us is chaos. 

At least it has been for me. I have learned though to allow the Holy Spirit to lead. I can’t be the director, producer, actress, and audience in the show. Everybody has a part to play…I just have to get out of the way. I have to trust that since God knows my ending from my beginning, He knows which way is best for me, and I am finding that when I listen to Him, things are a lot less chaotic. 

When we find our place in God, it is so much easier to accept who God has made us to be. I think we should always want to be better….to do better, to be the best we can be…we just can’t let it be our focus. Our focus has to always be on God. When we take our eyes off Him, we lose our way. This year, let us work diligently to keep our focus where it should be…on the Master. 

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9).

I am so excited about that!

Until next time…

Be blessed

I Want That Peace

I Want That Peace

This time of year always makes me look forward to spring. I can feel the seasons about to change…even though winter is still very much present. It sort of reminds me of what it felt like when I gave my life to Christ. When God came into my heart…it was like coming out of a long cold winter. I felt brand new, like I could do anything…and that everything was possible. But, then I began to get distracted with “works,” and lost my way a little. I forgot who God was. Although He does good works, and He expects us to do good. That’s not why Jesus went to the cross. He went because He loves us…even before we were born. And there is no “work” that can make Him love us any more than He already does. I thank God for Jesus, and I thank Him for the Holy Spirit…one died for me, and the other lives within me. How awesome is that.

I think many times, I have tied God’s hands. There is so much that He still wants to do for me…for all of us, but we have a hard time trusting Him. Even though He has shown Himself to be faithful, we still find it hard to believe that He will be there when we need Him. We still compare Him to our current circumstances. God’s word says in Isaiah 26:3 that, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” I want that peace. I want to keep my mind on Him, and not be distracted by the things I see. 

So, let’s all make this the year that we begin to walk in the love and grace of God. That we really begin to believe not only that God is who He says He is, but that we are who God says we are.

Lord, we praise you, we lift you up. We bless Your name. We thank You for loving us in spite of us. Help us to be all that you have called us to be. We give you all the glory, and all the praise.

In the precious, matchless, powerful name of Jesus, the Christ we pray…Amen.

Until next time…

Be blessed.

Moving forward

Moving forward

This year has been a wake up call for all of us. I don’t think we could have predicted how much our lives would be changed by this pandemic. Although the Bible speaks of the end times, I never really thought that I would be around for any of it. I’m not sure why though, because many of us have been burning the candle at both ends for a long time. Just letting life happen. And I guess it had to take something this drastic to get our attention.

I have to admit, at first I didn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe that we had let our guards down so much that it not only affected our country…but the whole world. No one was left untouched. Either, it touched our lives personally, or the lives of people we knew. This thing didn’t care about our social status, or our economic background, age, gender, or religion. It was an equal opportunity virus. But I have to say…at first, I was still holding out hope. I wanted to believe that it was just a hoax. That somehow we would all wake up from this dream, and laugh at the absurdity of it all. Needless to say…I am still waiting.

Thank God some things didn’t change. We still celebrated the end of the old year by looking forward to the new one. The celebrations this year, although different, were still just as powerful, and motivating. I still made plans about the things I wanted to leave in 2020, and those things I wanted to achieve in 2021. I was determined to not allow COVID-19 to dictate what God had in store for my life this year. Jeremiah 29:11 says that God will give us a hope and a future. I am definitely going to put my money on Him.

So, my goal for this year is to do something every day that gets me closer to the purpose God has for me. I know there are things God is calling me to, but I have not been able to get past my own thinking. This is the year to move forward. To challenge myself in ways I never have before. To go into this new year unafraid. Determined to walk in my calling. I pray that you will join me, and step out on faith. No longer holding back…but moving ahead declaring that God is greater.

Let’s do this!

Until next time…

Be blessed!