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Month: February 2021

Are You Afraid?

Are You Afraid?

This month has been one of reflection, anticipation and growth. I have been exposed to a whole new level of God’s grace. Learning to stay focused on one thing at a time, one project at a time, one goal at a time is hard for me. I equate everything I do to time, and I sometimes feel that I just don’t have enough of it. 

I thought that I had learned to listen for God’s voice and not to follow where He wasn’t leading, but I have found that is not always the case. Even when we hear God’s voice clearly, we will sometimes doubt what we hear. That reaction is called a lot of different things, but it mainly boils down to being afraid.

Afraid that we waited too long. Afraid that we don’t have what it takes. Afraid that someone else will do it better. And sometimes we’re just afraid of failing. It’s like being caught between wanting to move where God wants us to be and staying where we feel all warm and safe.

I have been focusing on my relationship with God and trying to really grab hold of the things He has for me. It’s an awesome thing to know that God loves us so much that He is willing to wait for us to get it. He keeps showing up in the most unlikely places and sending people to say the exact thing we need to hear. I love that about Him. He lets us know that when we keep our heart focused on Him, He will be there for us.

But more than anything, we have to learn to trust God, trust the process and know that God’s plan is perfect. Things may not go the way we think they should, that doesn’t mean that we’ve failed…it just means that we still have some learning to do.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Don’t Get Comfortable

Don’t Get Comfortable

God has been slowly taking me step by step to where He needs me to be. In the past, I have tried to rush that process because I felt that it was taking too long, or that I should be much further along than I was, but I know that God’s plan is perfect, and I learned that when I wait on Him it works out much better for me in the long run.

Right now I am doing a job I have never done before…I’m not sure why I even applied. Actually, this is the fourth time that has happened to me. And each time, once I learn what God wants me to learn, something happens to cause me to move on. I have a tendency to get too comfortable…to settle. Even when the situation is not good for me, leaving hard. I guess God doesn’t want me to be so attached to anything that I’m not willing to let it go if He needs me to.

The first time it happened, I got a job as a writer. I had never written anything professionally in my life. That job taught me how to write within specific guidelines, and restraints. But, my work began to be repetitive. I was no longer learning anything new…just doing the same thing over and over. I applied for another position in the same company, again doing something I had never done. That job allowed me the opportunity to work with various types of people, and cultures. I loved it, but then, there was a big departmental restructure, and I had to change departments. The next job allowed me to travel to different cities in the area. I learned how to give presentations, and speak in front of groups at conferences and conventions. All the while moving further and further from my comfort zone. I can see now how God has used my secular work to move me closer and closer to my purpose.

I have learned a few things from these experiences. One, don’t get too comfortable. Two, God is everywhere we are. Three, God will never allow us to do anything that we won’t learn something from. But the biggest lesson I have learned is that our confidence can’t be in us…it has to be in God. When we put Him first in everything we do, He will cause the work of our hands to prosper.

Until next time…

Be blessed.

It’s All In How We See It

It’s All In How We See It

Today many couples are celebrating Valentine’s Day. This day has many different meanings for many different people. Some good, and some not so good. The origin of Valentine’s Day is not reflective of what we see today. It ranges in everything from the death of a martyr to the celebration of fertility. Those things, although negative, show how the beginning is not necessarily representative of what the ending will be. This example actually shows how the spirit of a people can turn what could have been a day of mourning, and offense into a day of celebrating those we love, and care about. How amazing.

The good thing about this holiday is that although it is seen as a couples holiday, anyone can give and receive love. And it is not just limited to one day a year. We can celebrate love every day. As a matter of fact, God commands it. He put a lot of emphasis on not only loving Him, but on loving one another. The Bible says, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35)

I don’t want to get into the technicalities of this day, because there are as many reasons for wanting to celebrate it as there are for not wanting to celebrate it. I really wanted to just focus on our ability to take a negative and turn it into a positive. How we can bounce back from just about anything. And if we desire to live a life motivated by love, and peace, and joy, and faith, and hope…we can. 

God made us resilient. He made us to be overcomers…more than conquerors. Bad things are going to happen, but it’s how we choose to see it, and how we choose to  walk it out. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Growing Faith

Growing Faith

I just feel in my spirit that this is the year for growth. That all those things that we have been through is growing us to a new level of faith in God. I have had to dig deeper than I ever have before, and God is showing me things He has never shown me before. I know that He is taking me to a new level in Him, and it scares me a little. But our Father is so awesome. No matter what happens, He promises to never leave us…not for anything. We can trust that. He will always keep His promise.

God’s word in Romans 8:37-39 says, “No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This is one of my favorite scriptures. This one says that because of the sacrifice Jesus made at the cross on our behalf…we are assured the victory in every situation. He laid down His life so that we could surrender ours…

Today, I just wanted to remind you that the battle you are going through is not your end. Don’t give up…keep holding onto God’s unchanging hand. He has a purpose and a plan for everything that happens in your life. If you put your trust in Him, and hold on…He will show you some great and miraculous things.

Until next time…

Be blessed!