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Month: May 2021

Things Eternal

Things Eternal

“For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.”  –2 Corinthians 5:1

I read the scripture above at one of my niece’s funerals. It simply says that no matter what is going on with our physical bodies; it is only temporary…because where we’re going that old body won’t be needed anymore.

We spend a lot of time and money on getting these earthly temples in shape. And it seems like we are never satisfied. If we are tall, we want to be just a little shorter. If we are big, we want to be just a little smaller. And even though we might be blessed to still have our own teeth, we would love for them to be just a little whiter. 

The enemy’s number one job is to destroy us, and I think we give him a lot to work with when we can’t be content–with anything. And let me tell you…it doesn’t matter how old or how young we are. Discontent is an equal opportunity destroyer. So, our job is to learn to be like Paul when he says, “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” 

Our goal then is to fight the desire to re-do what God has already done. I’m not saying we shouldn’t be the best versions of ourselves. We absolutely should. But what I’m saying is that in the big scheme of things, our earthly house (bodies) doesn’t really matter. The real work is in making sure our spiritual bodies are the main focus. Because when we get that part right, not only will our spirit feel good, but our body will also feel good. 

All of this is temporary. As the old hymn goes…build your hope on things eternal. Stay focused on the part of life that can’t be built or built up by man. Hold to God’s unchanging hand.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost Sunday

Today is Pentecost Sunday. A day of celebration, and high worship. It is the day Christians celebrate the arrival of the Holy Spirit. It is actually 50 days or seven Sundays after the Crucifixion, Resurrection, and Ascension of Jesus Christ (Acts 2). It not only marks the beginning of the Christian church, but it also marks the beginning of a whole new way of thinking, a whole new way of praying, and a whole new way of believing.

This day may not mean much to some people, but to many Christians it signifies receiving the power of the Holy Spirit. That power enables us to do ALL that God has created us to do. We have the power to live righteous, and faithful lives based on the truth of God’s word. It means that we are not alone–ever. The Bible says that the Holy Spirit is our Helper. He leads us, guides us, teaches us, comforts us, and even goes to God for us when we pray. And if all of that were not enough–He gives us gifts (Read 1 Corinthians 12:4–11). How amazing is that? 

The other awesome thing is that God has designed it so that no one’s gift is more important than anyone else’s. We all have something to offer, and it is up to us to love Him enough to want to use what we have been given to serve the Kingdom of God. It should be our privilege to serve one another, because by doing that–we ultimately end up serving Him. 

I am so grateful that God loved us so much…and still loves us so much that His plan didn’t leave out the fact that we would need help every now and then. And no matter how bad or how blessed our lives appear to be…He will always show up for us. We can count on that.

God has provided for us everything we will ever need to live an abundant life in Him. All we have to do is receive it. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

Let God Lead

Let God Lead

What a great and awesome God we serve. He never leaves us…not for a moment. He is constantly there to help lead us to our most highest selves. His love is so massive…that we can’t even begin to comprehend the depth of it. He is so much more than our words have a right to describe. His name is above every name. The word says that demons tremble at the sound of His name. It also says that when we submit to God, resist the devil, he has to flee (James 4:7). He has no choice. THAT is how big our God is. 

So why is it that we still get upset when people disappoint us…when they hurt us…when they act human….

We expect others to treat us the way we want to be treated. We keep looking to them and not to God. And every time we do that, we are going to be disappointed. In John 15:17 it simply says,” This is my command: Love each other.” It doesn’t say because we treat each other right, or because we deserve it….not even because we want to do it…but, because God commanded it. Period.

The thing is to give others the same grace that God gives us. To love each other the way God loves us…unconditionally. I know that is easier said than done, but God knew that we wouldn’t be able to do it on our own. So He left us some help.

First, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to save us.

Then Jesus left us a helper…The Holy Spirit.

And finally, the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us through all of those times when our “flesh” wants to be in control.

So, this week, let God lead. Open your heart to Him, and allow Him to do a good work in you. Put Him in the middle of every relationship–and then watch Him work.

Until next time…

Be blessed

On Mother’s Day, Let Love Lead

On Mother’s Day, Let Love Lead

Mother’s Day. This day is usually not so easy for me. My mother passed away many years ago…although some days it seems just like yesterday. God healed the pain of that loss, but every year I am still challenged with the response of others. It’s hard to maneuver sometimes. Either people are incredibly insensitive when they tell you how “lucky” you are not to have children or they try to “give” you theirs. And although I know they are not trying to be mean, I still try to just steer clear. 

This year, the pandemic has taken care of many of our typical social gatherings. The odd thing is that now I miss it…lol. I have gotten so used to having to prepare myself that when I didn’t have to, I almost didn’t know what to do. Go figure. I guess that falls under the “be careful what you wish for” category. It just gives us the opportunity to be more creative with our celebrations.

I also wanted to love on my mom a little today. She was one of those mothers who would fight to the death for her children. But she never co-signed our foolishness. If we were wrong, she let us know that we would definitely pay the penalty for it. And she would lose her natural mind if we ever disrespected any grown up. I loved her honesty, her faithfulness, and her caring heart. She loved with a purity that I pray has passed down to me. I miss her so much.

So, cherish your moms. And if your mom has transitioned to her heavenly home, find some way to cherish her memory today. I know some of us may not have the best relationships with our mothers. Just remember…we all make mistakes. Let love lead. Forgive her. That’s one of the best gifts we could ever give to ourselves.

Until next time…

Be blessed

No Matter What

No Matter What

This month, about seven years ago, my oldest sister passed away.  Although I miss her like crazy, she left a legacy of good works that will live on in the hearts of all the people she touched for years and years to come. What I really wanted to share with you was the strength and dignity in which my family came together…it was amazing.

When my sister first became ill it was devastating to watch her lie there so helpless, but for five months there was someone at her bedside every day. My family pulled together to make sure my sister would be taken care of properly. Her sons made sure that the hospice she was moved to not only knew they would be there, but that they were not going to settle for less than the best for their mother. To say I was proud of them is an understatement. They did everything possible to give my sister a fighting chance, and I will always love them for that.

The thing that really impressed me was that my entire family worked together…and was on one accord through the whole process. That may not sound like much to most people, but my family has some very strong and opinionated people, and they have no problem letting you know how they feel about any and everything, not this time. When she took her last breath, it was like she just drifted off to sleep…it was so peaceful. We may not have been there when she took her first breath, but God allowed us all to be present for her last…and it was so sweet. I will never forget it. I am overwhelmed, overjoyed, and overcome with gratitude and love for God for allowing us that moment, and for my family for the love and grace they displayed during one of the most difficult moments we have ever faced.

My prayer is that no matter what,…

We will continue to become even stronger,

We will be even more determined to keep our family close,

We will love each other hard,

We will always be there for one another,

…no matter what.

Until next time…

Be blessed