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Month: August 2020

Just Open the Door

Just Open the Door

Ok. Last week, I painted a whole room for the first time in my life. I know it doesn’t sound like much to you, but for me…it was everything

Now, I must admit. It’s not the best paint job I have ever seen, and I definitely wouldn’t have paid the painter who did that job. But, I am so proud of myself. I didn’t give up (Even though I thought about it…hard). I never knew there was so much stuff in that room. Once I started moving things around I could see how much was really there, and some of the items were so heavy that I could only move them to the middle of the floor. But, here is where it gets interesting. God was clearly in the midst of this whole thing. He always has a lesson for us…even while simply painting a room. 

As I was standing there looking at all the furniture, and paper, and miscellaneous items in that room, God showed me what my life was like (Believe me, I had no idea that was coming). I wanted to quit before I even got started. The thought of getting that room cleared out was a little overwhelming. But that’s how  life is sometimes. I was perfectly happy with just shutting the door, and not seeing the mess the room had become. What God showed me was that I was doing that exact thing with my life. Anything that was too hard, I ignored. I didn’t pray about it. I didn’t seek God about it. And I surely didn’t do anything about it. I had compartmentalized my life to only deal with what I had to, and when I couldn’t, and things got too cluttered…I left it for later.

God let me see that nothing was hidden from Him. I could shut the door, but it didn’t make the mess go away…it just temporarily hid it. He let me know that there was nothing that I couldn’t accomplish when I had faith enough to believe. That sooner or later, I would have to open the door. And when I did…He would be right there.

Until next time…

Be blessed

On This Journey

On This Journey

I am on this journey of self-discovery, and I am learning to do things I thought I never would. I guess that’s a good thing, or at least I think it is (I’m still trying to figure that one out). I have always depended on other people. Not because I had to, but because that’s just the way it’s always been. I was never handy around the house. I can take things apart, but putting them back together is a whole different thing. I mean, I know what my gifts and skill levels are, and I have never had a problem letting others know I need help. But lately, I am doing things for myself by myself. That…is new for me. 

I’m not sure when it started. Maybe I just got tired of waiting for everyone else to find time to help me. Whatever it is, nowadays I’m finding that either handymen (or women) have more work than they know what to do with, or they have been working on their own projects. 

So, that means I have to step up. But, God is giving me this confidence I never had before. And I find myself feeling so excited. It’s empowering. Before I have even completed one project, I am already making plans for the next one. It’s really kinda cool. I am liking this new me. Although… physically I am stretching muscles I didn’t know I had…lol.

A friend recently suggested that I just pay someone to do things for me. That sounds good, but I reminded her that people no longer work for pizza and a six pack. That means that I will have to do at least the smaller projects on my own. I don’t mind though. Since I have hired myself, I can work when I am ready. I can work all day, and take the whole next week off if I want to. I can do half a job today, and do the rest next month. Of course, it will take me longer, but who cares? I’m just enjoying the journey.

Until next time…

Be blessed

What I’m Praying

What I’m Praying

Since this pandemic began, my life has been transformed in so many ways that it is hard to keep up. And unless you have been living under a rock, your life has gone through some kind of transformation too.

Lately though I find myself forgetting every now and then. I’ll go out to run some errands, and pull up in front of a store that is no longer in business or has not reopened yet. It feels unsettling a little. Uncertain…even a little fearful. At those times, I wish things would go back to pre-pandemic days when things felt more familiar. I want to go out without grabbing a mask first, and get together without having to sit six feet apart. I even want to complain about having so much to do that I can’t wait to take a vacation. In short, I want my life back. But do I really?

As I worked through those thoughts, I realized that what my life is like now is to some extent…what I had been praying for. I had been asking God to help me focus on what was really important. To allow me to do the things that I loved to do. To have the time to finish some of the projects I had been putting off, and the biggest one…to spend more time in communion with Him. So why would I want to go back to a lifestyle that always left me wanting? The answer is…I don’t. At least not all of it.I enjoy having uninterrupted time to think and to pray and to really stop and smell the roses. I enjoy Zoom calls and Facebook Live and working in my yard. 

I think it’s in our nature to want what we don’t have. I’m praying that things never go back to what they were before…I’m praying that things will be better. I pray that we take the blinders off, and really look at what is happening around us. I pray that we are more aware of the injustices in our country, and in our world. I pray that we focus on someone other than ourselves and our own comfort. I pray that we treat each other better. And I pray that if nothing else, this pandemic has awakened us all to the reality that tomorrow really is not promised.

Until next time…

Be blessed

New normal (New name)

New normal (New name)

Recently, I was having a conversation with a friend, and we were talking about our “new normal.” People tend to use that term whenever things in their lives are no longer the same. When things change so much that it no longer resembles what it used to be. But what is “normal” about that? And life changes are definitely not new.

For some reason, I never liked that term. And I like it even less now. I’m not sure I ever knew what “normal” was supposed to look like…but what we are experiencing now is definitely not it. 

We talked about our virtual lives, and how we have begun to use the internet to do everything from selling merchandise to attending conferences. We even talked about the number of people who are being reached for God that may never have set foot inside of a church building. But even with all of the positive things happening, there is still something missing. The one thing this “new normal” can never replace is the human touch. There is nothing normal about not being able to shake someone’s hand, sit in a movie or console a friend without fear. There is nothing normal about not being able to go out in public without a mask, visit someone in the hospital, or even God forbid…attend a funeral. And there is nothing normal about having to wash your hands with sanitizer every five minutes, or even hug a friend.

I know this situation will not last forever. And I thank God for that. One day we’ll look back on this time and marvel at our ability to cope under these extraordinary circumstances. We will even reminisce about how some of us actually thrived during this time. I’m looking forward to that day. In the meantime, even though I know I can’t change the things that have happened because of this pandemic, I can change what I call it…

I think I’ll just call it “different.” 

Until next time…

Be blessed

It’s a new beginning

It’s a new beginning

Back in January, we were looking forward to an awesome new year. To maybe accomplish some things we didn’t get to do in 2019. Well…

Time has been flying by, which is crazy since the whole Coronavirus thing has literally slowed the whole world down. And I don’t know about you, but the days are beginning to run into one another, and Monday is beginning to look like Saturday. But even in that, we have to look for the blessings in all of this. We can whine and complain, but that just makes us and everyone around us miserable. Who wants that? 

We have definitely had time to re-think, re-evaluate, and re-position some things. It has been the greatest do-over ever! Whatever it is that you didn’t have time to do before–you have plenty of time to do it now. The Bible says in Genesis 50:20 that what the enemy meant for evil, God will work it out for our good. 

We are in the eighth month of the year. Biblically, the number eight means “New Beginnings.” If anybody is in need of a new beginning it’s us, right? This is our time to start fresh…to learn to make the best of things. Change is not necessarily a bad thing. It can take us out of our comfort zone, open new doors of opportunity, and help us grow into the people God has called us to be. Be willing to change course. Be willing to pivot. Be willing to do it differently.

This is a new beginning. How will you respond?

Until next time…

Be blessed