Just Open the Door

Just Open the Door

Ok. Last week, I painted a whole room for the first time in my life. I know it doesn’t sound like much to you, but for me…it was everything

Now, I must admit. It’s not the best paint job I have ever seen, and I definitely wouldn’t have paid the painter who did that job. But, I am so proud of myself. I didn’t give up (Even though I thought about it…hard). I never knew there was so much stuff in that room. Once I started moving things around I could see how much was really there, and some of the items were so heavy that I could only move them to the middle of the floor. But, here is where it gets interesting. God was clearly in the midst of this whole thing. He always has a lesson for us…even while simply painting a room. 

As I was standing there looking at all the furniture, and paper, and miscellaneous items in that room, God showed me what my life was like (Believe me, I had no idea that was coming). I wanted to quit before I even got started. The thought of getting that room cleared out was a little overwhelming. But that’s how  life is sometimes. I was perfectly happy with just shutting the door, and not seeing the mess the room had become. What God showed me was that I was doing that exact thing with my life. Anything that was too hard, I ignored. I didn’t pray about it. I didn’t seek God about it. And I surely didn’t do anything about it. I had compartmentalized my life to only deal with what I had to, and when I couldn’t, and things got too cluttered…I left it for later.

God let me see that nothing was hidden from Him. I could shut the door, but it didn’t make the mess go away…it just temporarily hid it. He let me know that there was nothing that I couldn’t accomplish when I had faith enough to believe. That sooner or later, I would have to open the door. And when I did…He would be right there.

Until next time…

Be blessed

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