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Month: April 2022

For the God Who Lives in You

For the God Who Lives in You

Earlier this month we took time out to honor the walk Jesus made to the cross.  This time of year always makes me think of the sacrifice our Lord made.

God loved us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the cross—for us. He couldn’t bear being separated from us. And because He couldn’t look on our sin, He had to remove it by providing the perfect sacrifice. And when Jesus went back to the Father, He left us a comforter, and His name is Holy Spirit. He is the God who lives in us. Who walks beside us, and Who leads us and guides us.

Only God would do something so amazing. The One who created it all…thought enough of us to do that. The word says, “The Lord called me before my birth. From within the womb he called me by my name…He said to me, `You are my servant’...” (Isaiah 49:1, 3 TLB). I thank God that He called me by name…that He called each of us by name. What He did gave us the ability to dwell with Him…forever.

God called us into being because He has a plan for us. He has given us all unique gifts that only we can do. God has anointed us and called us into service. To represent Him in the earth. In Psalm 139:13 it says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” We were always on His mind…even before we were born.

I challenge you today to live the best life you have ever lived…for the God who lives in you. Whatever God is calling you to…don’t let anything or anyone stop you. No matter what you do…see it through. There is greater still awaiting you. Don’t be afraid to embrace it.

Until next time…

Be blessed.