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Tag: Family

It’s For The Generations To Come

It’s For The Generations To Come

We had an awesome time at the park this year for our family get together. God blessed us with a great day for a cookout. Although it was hot, it didn’t matter, because we hadn’t been together in a year.

When my father was living, he had Alzheimer’s. So we started having cookouts every year…not so much that he would remember who we were, but so that the younger generation would remember who he was. 

Just seeing generations of family cooking, and eating, and enjoying one another was amazing. Especially since one of my brothers had come home. My brother hadn’t been home for something like 30 years. He had been gone for so long that it was like having a celebrity in our midst…lol.

To say I am truly grateful to God is an understatement.

My parents were always big on family traditions. We got together at our family home for every holiday, birthday, and family reunion. My mother, especially, wanted all of us to remain close. And I feel blessed to be a part of a family that cares enough to want to keep at least some of our family traditions alive.

When both my parents passed away, my siblings, and I made a promise to do what we could to honor our parents wishes, and for the most part we have done that. Do we always get along? No. Do we always agree? No. Do we have differences and still find a way to love one another. Yes. 

And that right there is the most important thing…

God is at the heart of my family…right in that place where my parents used to be. He blesses us individually and collectively. He keeps our family grounded and focused on the whole…not on just a part. That is what has kept us together all of these years, and with the Lord’s help…will keep us together for the generations to come.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Standing For What Is Right

Standing For What Is Right

Yesterday we had our family cookout. I love being a part of a large family, and our family is HUGE. I guess that’s because it’s all I have ever known. And even though it was a nice turnout, it wasn’t even half the people who typically show up. 

Being with them is one of my greatest joys, but it can be a lot of work too. Not only physically, but mentally as well. What I mean by that is…you have to be able to stand on what you know is right even when you stand alone, and even when it’s not the most popular thing to do.

Let’s just say that I have a completely new respect for the word obedience. 

You know how God runs back events in your mind like a movie? Well, there were a couple of things that he showed me today that caused me to re-evaluate what was really important to me. On the outside, they seem really simple, but things are rarely simple with God. He always has a lesson for us…we just have to be willing to listen. 

Now, typically, after we unload our vehicles, we pull around to the front to park in the designated spaces. But when I got ready to move my car, someone told me that I didn’t have to move it, and gave me the reasons why. Then they said the thing that is almost akin to “I dare you,” and it was…“You are so scared.” 

When they said it to me they didn’t know how much I despise anything associated with the word fear. I explained that it wasn’t fear, but that I liked doing what was right. But then I said the words that God spoke back to me today…”Ok, I’ll follow you then.” OMG! When God brought that back to my remembrance this scripture immediately came to mind, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) What I did said that I cared more about what they thought then what God thought. That one really hit hard. I love my family, but not more than I love the Lord.

God also gave me some specific things that He wanted me to share with my family about the history behind why we do what we do. He said that people don’t participate as much when they are not invested in what is going on. When it came time to have the meeting, it was decided that we didn’t need to have it then, and that it would be best to reschedule it for another time. Even though I knew what God was leading me to do, I gave in…again. Once I realized what I had done, this is what I said, “I repent, Lord. Forgive me, Father for putting anything or anyone over You.

We mess up sometimes. We make mistakes. The thing is to acknowledge them, ask for forgiveness, and make the best of the next opportunity…because there will be a next time.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Staying Connected

Staying Connected

Not too long ago some of my old coworkers, and I got together for an afternoon to just reminisce and catch up on what has been happening with one another. What I found interesting is that whenever we come together, it’s almost like we have never been apart. There are never any awkward moments of silence. Actually, there are usually several conversations going on at once…just like family. The surprising thing is that we all began working together 15 years ago, and we still make getting together a priority. We have all made a conscious effort to come together every so often so that we don’t lose that connection. Someone in the group will send an email, and anyone that can make it…does. No pressure.

Before the pandemic, some of my family members would get together every month or so to just eat a meal together. Some of my nieces and nephews would have a cousin’s day, and some of them even have sister weekends. I have one friend that still texts me everyday just to say good morning…I love you…have a blessed day. I had another friend that would call me every few days, and when I would pick up the phone, she would start singing….lol. I really hope that she starts doing that again. I miss it. 

I am praying that we don’t lose that feeling of connectedness (Is that a word?). Life is so fleeting, and time goes by so quickly that if we don’t grab those moments…they soon disappear. 

So, the goal for the rest of this year is to stay connected. Let people know that you care about them. Don’t think about why they are in your life, just enjoy the fact that they are. That’s my goal, and I hope you make that your goal too.

Maybe I’ll call up my friend and just blast out a song today. 🙂

Until next time…

Be blessed

No Matter What

No Matter What

This month, about seven years ago, my oldest sister passed away.  Although I miss her like crazy, she left a legacy of good works that will live on in the hearts of all the people she touched for years and years to come. What I really wanted to share with you was the strength and dignity in which my family came together…it was amazing.

When my sister first became ill it was devastating to watch her lie there so helpless, but for five months there was someone at her bedside every day. My family pulled together to make sure my sister would be taken care of properly. Her sons made sure that the hospice she was moved to not only knew they would be there, but that they were not going to settle for less than the best for their mother. To say I was proud of them is an understatement. They did everything possible to give my sister a fighting chance, and I will always love them for that.

The thing that really impressed me was that my entire family worked together…and was on one accord through the whole process. That may not sound like much to most people, but my family has some very strong and opinionated people, and they have no problem letting you know how they feel about any and everything, not this time. When she took her last breath, it was like she just drifted off to sleep…it was so peaceful. We may not have been there when she took her first breath, but God allowed us all to be present for her last…and it was so sweet. I will never forget it. I am overwhelmed, overjoyed, and overcome with gratitude and love for God for allowing us that moment, and for my family for the love and grace they displayed during one of the most difficult moments we have ever faced.

My prayer is that no matter what,…

We will continue to become even stronger,

We will be even more determined to keep our family close,

We will love each other hard,

We will always be there for one another,

…no matter what.

Until next time…

Be blessed

This time of year

This time of year

November always makes me feel just a little more thankful than any other time of the year. I guess it’s because the Thanksgiving holiday is on most people’s minds right now.  I am thankful for so many things…my family, my friends, my home, my work, but I am thankful most of all that God loved me so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the cross for me. When I remember that…it always makes me want to do better.

I feel like we are on the verge of something so much bigger than us. There are obvious reasons for that feeling…namely, this last election. Well, actually the last four years, this pandemic, and everything else in between. It has been a time of awakening. A time to deal with the things we have been ignoring for way too long, and it’s time to just do it differently. 

Yesterday, I spent the day volunteering for an organization called, Fayette Street Outreach. It consists of local residents who have banded together to clean up and bring opportunities to their neighborhood. I think that’s what this last season has been all about. We have to stop playing the blame game, and waiting for someone else to do it. It’s time for healing to begin in our land.

In order to get there though, we are going to have to focus more on God’s plan. Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established.” Good ideas are not necessarily God ideas. Staying focused is going to be important in this new season. We have to get back to the basics of loving and caring for one another. We are our brother’s keeper. What happens to you, should affect me. We are in this thing together, and it’s going to take all of us to make it better.

I am so excited to see where God is leading us, and I am so thankful that we are all on this journey together.

Until next time…

Be blessed.

This year, I’m celebrating!

This year, I’m celebrating!

The word for today is…Grateful.

With so many ways to communicate, it is sometimes hard to keep up. It’s an all day event to read your emails, update your blog, check in with Facebook, try to stay LinkedIn and write something Tweet worthy. I was speaking with a friend recently and we were talking about how many different ways there are of communicating. The funny thing is…with so many ways you would think that families would be closer and we’d talk to friends more often, but sadly that’s not the case. One of my missions this year is to love more and to not spend so much time trying to keep up with technology. I don’t want to become so technically inclined that I forget how to have a real conversation. The other thing I want to do this year is to learn to celebrate. I’m not talking about just the big things—I want to celebrate everything. I want to celebrate when God opens a door, but I also want to celebrate when He closes one. I want to celebrate the special occasions, but I also want to celebrate the little things like being able to eat ice cream on a warm summer day. I want to celebrate having a great day, but I also want to celebrate the not so great days, because He made it and that’s enough for me. Simply put…I want to live purposefully. I want my life to reflect how grateful I am to God for everything. Even the things I don’t like so much, because I know they teach me lessons I may not have learned any other way. Our God is a keeper. He has kept me through some really rough times and He is still keeping me now. So this year I’m going to honor Him by being grateful, loving more and celebrating often. How about you?

Until next time…

Be blessed