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Month: March 2021

Plant Seeds

Plant Seeds

Several years ago, I was part of a training seminar that focused on evangelism. We are all called to carry the message of Jesus Christ…especially to those who may not know Him. The goal was to make sure that the gospel was presented in a way that can be understood, embraced, and retained.

During one of the breakout sessions, we had to pair up with another person to “evangelize.” My assignment was to explain “The Rapture.”  OK. I don’t know if you have ever tried to explain that to an unbeliever, but I found out how totally inadequate my words were. The more I tried to explain, the more confused my unbeliever became. I realized that even though I understood the concept, explaining it to someone else was no easy task. The exercise let me know that I still had a lot of work to do. But what I realized most was that we are like farmers, and all we really have to do is plant the seed.

My mission then, and my mission now is the same….to communicate the “Good News” in a way that will help others seek a closer relationship with the Lord. I am so grateful for every opportunity He gives me to reach others for Christ. I have a passion for reaching the unsaved. The great thing is that God uses who we are. We don’t have to be like anyone else, or speak like anyone else. We don’t have to have a degree, or went to seminary school. All we have to do is love God, and be open to being used by Him. That’s it. And don’t worry if you don’t have all the perfect words to say…He has a specific group of people who needs to hear it just the way you deliver it. 

I pray that God will use each of us to help reach others with the message that Jesus Christ saves, and that we will be able to “plant seeds” that will reap a harvest for the Kingdom of God.

For information on this evangelism and discipleship program, go to  

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Do The Work

Do The Work

sometimes I forget that God does not look at us the way we look at ourselves. What I see in the mirror is totally different from what God sees. When He looks at me He sees His Son, Jesus Christ. I am covered by the blood of Jesus, so God no longer sees the me I used to be…He sees the me I will be. I thank Jesus for covering me and protecting me. For giving me a brand new start. I love knowing that I have another chance to get it right.

It’s not so much about achieving some thing. Sometimes it’s just about being a blessing. My prayer is that God will allow me to be a blessing to someone everyday and that He will send someone my way that needs a witness of Him. And I pray that when He does, I honor Him well. I pray that He smiles when my feet hit the floor in the morning. But, I don’t do the things I do expecting anything. I just love Him.

We especially need to be dedicated to uplifting and empowering the next generation. There is so much work to be done, and God is calling all of us to do it. If God has not given you anything to do yet…doesn’t mean that He won’t. Until He does, pray for those who are already working in the field. Your purpose, your part, may be to encourage someone else to do the work. Nothing is wasted with God. 

Don’t wait for a consensus…you may never get it. If you know you have been chosen to do a work, pray a prayer, sow a seed for the Kingdom, pray and ask God to bless it and then trust Him to make it happen. He will guide you to resources that you didn’t even see. I love how He does that. Then believe that when you take those first steps in faith—God will be with you.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Do It Again God!

Do It Again God!

I think it must be the seasons changing that has me feeling so expectant. It happens every year at this time, and I always look forward to it. There is something about shedding winter that just feels so good. Everything is new again. Leaves are beginning to sprout. Birds are singing more. And because I know that whatever happens in the natural world also happens in the spirit, I know that God is resurrecting everything that was old…and making it new again.  

Grateful can’t even begin to express how I feel about the Lord. He has been so good that words don’t seem to be enough. And even though things  are not ideal right now, I know that He is still good. I love Him fully, wholly, completely…and because I know that He loves me…I know that if I keep my mind fixed on Him–everything will be alright.

I have learned that life is a series of twists and turns, ups and downs. I also know that God has built us to handle it, and when it gets to be too much—He covers us until we can get our footing again. I have had those times when I have wanted to give up, but the Spirit of the Lord is so strong within me that I couldn’t quit even if I wanted to. I thank God for never giving up on me…or on you. He will never abandon us, or leave us to our own devices; not after we connect to His Son, Jesus Christ. Praise God!

So know that God is making everything new again. Go ahead. Dream big (It’s impossible to dream too big with God). Give more. Bless someone just for the sake of blessing them. The word says that He can do exceedingly and abundantly above what we can even ask or think…that is HUGE. Just imagine, when you let your mind go and you think of the greatest thing imaginable…He can beat it. That’s the kind of God we serve…

This week, think big…dream big…and believe big!

Until next time…

Be blessed!

When I Sleep

When I Sleep

I absolutely love how God speaks to us. He always speaks to me through music. God will use whatever means necessary to reach his children, and gospel music is my favorite. It just seems to help usher in the Holy Spirit…not that He needs any help. It seems to till the soil so to speak. 

Lately, God has been speaking to my heart through a particular song, and I’ve been singing it over and over. In part, the lyrics say, “…there’s a pressing in the spirit…” I love that song. Every time I hear it I’m reminded of how much God loves me. I woke up singing that song the other day, and sang it all the way to work. I know that whenever that happens God has taught my spirit something during the night as I slept. The funny thing is that a lot of times He doesn’t reveal it to me right away. I have grown to trust Him so much that I no longer try to figure it out. I just wait on His perfect timing.

I was asked to do something a while ago that God didn’t want me to do….yet. But I have this tendency to get caught up in someone else’s excitement. It’s like God has given them a vision, and the next thing you know, I’m knee-deep in a place I shouldn’t be. This time, God was saying that I have something for you and it’s not that…and this time I listened.

When God has something for you nothing can stop it. We will oftentimes prolong our journey by taking turns we shouldn’t take, but God is so patient with us. He loves us and wants to bless us, so He waits for us to realize where we should be, and then He moves us into it.  

For me, that means that He waits until I sleep, because that is when my heart is open to Him. When I can’t mess it up by talking, or singing, or any of the other number of things I do. He wakes me up with a song as His way of letting me know that everything is going to be alright. That lets me know that He is always listening. He knows what needs to be done…and He is the One that is still in control. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!