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Month: August 2022

The Power in the Word “IF”

The Power in the Word “IF”

I remember a message I heard about the power of “if.” That message really resonated with me, because lately, I have been battling with that very thing.

That word, if, symbolizes a struggle, right?

If I had waited…

If I had not waited…

If I had just finished school…

If I had taken that job…

If I could just lose 10 more pounds…


I believe God is strategic in everything He does. He would never give us a dream, a vision or a plan, and not already have a way to bring it about. That’s not how He operates. He knows every hiccup, every doubt, and every fear that will cause us to stumble…the things that will make us back away from the promise. But, here’s the thing…even our cold feet won’t stop God from blessing us. It will not stop Him from bringing about the thing for which we were created.

Our God knows why He designed us, and believe it or not…He is pleased with who we are. He knows the struggles we will face. Guess what? He has already provided what we need, and it will show up at the exact moment we need it. 

In this season, we have to be prepared to move in line with God’s will. He is speaking, and He needs us to be obedient, to pray for one another, and to be in a position of service. God loves us with a passion, and He has promised to be with us every step of the way. God never stops leading and guiding us…sometimes we just stop listening, and we definitely have the tendency to stop following.  But He knows that about us too.

Today I just want to encourage all of us to keep trying, and know that if we don’t give up we will… 

Know our purpose, and walk in it. 

Become all that God has called us to be. 

Prosper and be in good health. 

We will live and not die, and we will declare the works of the Lord (Psalm 118:17).

I speak life over every area of our lives, and I declare and decree that we will be fearless and bold for the Lord no matter what.

Until next time…

Be blessed

In Due Time God Will

In Due Time God Will

Here is what I know…

I know that our God still sits on the throne.

I know that our God can do anything but fail.

I know that our God would not allow anything that He will not use for our good.

I know that our God loves us and wants to bless us.

I know that our God is always in control.

It may appear that things are upside down right now. Like the things that used to be wrong are right and vice versa, but God’s hand is not shortened that He can’t save (Isa. 59:1). He will make every wrong right. 

We serve an awesome, and mighty God, and the Bible says, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time” (1 Peter 5:6). Due time is God’s appointed time. His timing is never off. He knows what you stand in need of, and He is never late. He knows why you were created, and nothing will be able to keep you from it.

When we are going through a trial it may seem like God is never going to show up, but God is always with us, and He knows exactly when to step in.

And this is how much He loved us…He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to be the stand in for us on the cross. THAT alone would be enough, but our God didn’t stop there. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He left us the Holy Spirit. He is our Comforter, our Protector, our Guide, and our Friend. 

If we let Him, He will lead us and guide us to the place God needs us to be. 

God’s word says He will never leave us nor forsake us, and because of that–He will keep us.

And in due time…He will deliver us.

Until next time…

Be blessed

You Gotta Know Who You Are

You Gotta Know Who You Are

Everything means something. We can’t live our lives looking over our shoulders, but we can be aware of the tricks the enemy sometimes plays with us.

First, he wants us to believe that we are not saved.

That is the first lie. When we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior…we are saved and nothing can change that. The Bible says that we cannot even come to God unless He first draws us. That means that He saw us and sent Jesus…just for us. He knows everything about us and He still felt that we were worth it. We are special in God’s eyes, and He would move heaven and earth for us.

Then, he wants us to believe that our ministry is not effective.

Each one of us has something God uses to bless His people. It can be something as simple as having a bubbly personality. We may never know how many people we encourage by simply smiling. Maybe people find us easy to talk to, and we enjoy having conversations with folks. When God gets the glory out of whatever we do…we are operating in our purpose. We get so caught up in what we think our purpose should look like that we sometimes miss God’s blessing. We can’t let the enemy mess with our minds.

Lastly, he doesn’t want us to know who we really are.

I think sometimes we even forget who we are. We are God’s masterpiece. He called us. He not only knows every hair on our heads, He knows us by name. He has made us to be powerful not pitiful…a victor, not a victim…a warrior not a worrier. When we walk in the authority of the Lord, Jesus Christ, no weapon that is formed against us will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). It can’t. That’s God promise to us. Receive it today.

And to make sure we keep our minds focused on the right things, Philippians 4:8 says, 

Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious–the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.”

Well said.

Until next time

Be blessed

Making Myself A Priority

Making Myself A Priority

I was listening to a message this morning that reminded me of something I went through a while ago. 

A few years ago, I took part in a service at my church for ministry workers. One of the things I love is being in the house of the Lord. It just does it for me. I love worship. I love praise music. I love God’s word…and I love the atmosphere. 

The thing is that even though I love these things, sometimes my body and my spirit are just tired. I didn’t recognize it at the time, because I thought pushing myself was what I was supposed to do. I remember going to the service, but not really looking forward to it. It wasn’t because I didn’t think the service would be good, I was just suffering from trying to be everything to everybody…except me.

Being tired was all a part of what working for the Lord was all about, right?

God gave me a good brain, but I definitely was not using it the way He intended. Saying no…to anybody was hard for me. I wanted to be the one folks could count on. That kind of thinking is not healthy, and it is definitely not what God was asking me to do. 

So glad that we serve a God of second chances. I have learned that it is perfectly fine to say no. It is also perfectly fine not to go to church every time the church doors open. Look, if God is calling you to rest…then rest

The world will still keep spinning even while you take a nap.

It’s hard to think straight when we don’t have the proper rest. When we are physically, emotionally or spiritually tired…we are not able to make the best decisions (Best believe the enemy takes advantage of that). 

Take some time to care for yourself, and do things that you want to do…even if no one else wants to. 

To make sure that I make myself a priority, I am making a promise to myself to be diligent about staying in God’s word, make sure that I am getting enough rest, and I will work on surrounding myself with people who want the best for me. 

How about you? What will you do to make yourself a priority?

Until next time…

Be blessed