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Month: September 2022

What We Don’t Have…We Don’t Need

What We Don’t Have…We Don’t Need

I’m not sure if you guys go through the same thing or not, but I sometimes compare my life to others. You know…wanting to have nicer things, be more studious, more something

OK, I may be the only one, but I’m thinking there are a few of us out there who have done, or are doing the same thing. No matter how many people tell us not to do it, we seem to find ourselves doing it anyway. 

I think it is human nature to want to be better, have better, want better. Even when we feel like we are “blessed and highly favored.”  There is still that little something that says, “I wish….” 

Well, today I want to try to lay that to rest. 

What we don’t have…we don’t need. The Bible says that it is a sin to covet that which belongs to your neighbor. For one thing, we have no idea what it took to have it. The Bible also says in James 1:4, “But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” That means that when we live in Christ, we are whole and complete with nothing missing. 

Comparing ourselves to others is like a slap in the face of God. We are uniquely made, and He needs us to be the way He made us. And if part of the plan for our lives included us having a mansion, fancy cars, or whatever…we would have it. And who knows…maybe He still will.

But the real thing I wanted us to get is that God needs us to walk in who we are…just as we are. He will not let us miss anything He has planned for our lives. Think about it this way…the Bible says that we are all one body with many parts (1 Corinthians 12). So if we are all looking the same, living the same…then something somewhere else is going to be missing…lacking. And that is not the way God works. 

God will never forget the promise He made over our lives. We can be free of comparison today, because what we don’t have…we really don’t need. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

Even When We Stand Alone

Even When We Stand Alone

Last week, I blogged about me following someone else. And for some reason, God is still dealing with me about that one. What that says to me is that there is someone else out there who is dealing with…or about to deal with the same thing. 

What really happened boiled down to people-pleasing, and that’s a form of fear. The fear of being rejected, of standing alone, of looking like a failure. That standing for what was right would cause them not to like me, or maybe not want me to be around. If I didn’t do what everyone else was doing…I would be different. 

Ummm…news flash, I am different, and I’m supposed to be…

The Bible says that when we give our lives to Christ, we are set apart. God’s word says so. In Deuteronomy 14:2 it says, “You have been set apart as holy to the Lord your God, and he has chosen you from all the nations of the earth to be his own special treasure.” We won’t blend in, because we’re not supposed to. 

And here’s the thing…whenever we want to do the right thing, and stand for God, He will give us all the strength we need every single time. He will never allow us to be put in a situation without giving us a way of escape.

What I realized is that it’s ok to stand for righteousness, and to do what thus saith the Lord. Sometimes, we will be the only one, and it won’t feel good standing alone. But even when it feels like we are standing alone…God is there. His word says He will never leave us. 

There is power in following, and living by His word, and believe it or not…people will actually respect you more when you do.

Until next time,

Be blessed 

Standing For What Is Right

Standing For What Is Right

Yesterday we had our family cookout. I love being a part of a large family, and our family is HUGE. I guess that’s because it’s all I have ever known. And even though it was a nice turnout, it wasn’t even half the people who typically show up. 

Being with them is one of my greatest joys, but it can be a lot of work too. Not only physically, but mentally as well. What I mean by that is…you have to be able to stand on what you know is right even when you stand alone, and even when it’s not the most popular thing to do.

Let’s just say that I have a completely new respect for the word obedience. 

You know how God runs back events in your mind like a movie? Well, there were a couple of things that he showed me today that caused me to re-evaluate what was really important to me. On the outside, they seem really simple, but things are rarely simple with God. He always has a lesson for us…we just have to be willing to listen. 

Now, typically, after we unload our vehicles, we pull around to the front to park in the designated spaces. But when I got ready to move my car, someone told me that I didn’t have to move it, and gave me the reasons why. Then they said the thing that is almost akin to “I dare you,” and it was…“You are so scared.” 

When they said it to me they didn’t know how much I despise anything associated with the word fear. I explained that it wasn’t fear, but that I liked doing what was right. But then I said the words that God spoke back to me today…”Ok, I’ll follow you then.” OMG! When God brought that back to my remembrance this scripture immediately came to mind, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27) What I did said that I cared more about what they thought then what God thought. That one really hit hard. I love my family, but not more than I love the Lord.

God also gave me some specific things that He wanted me to share with my family about the history behind why we do what we do. He said that people don’t participate as much when they are not invested in what is going on. When it came time to have the meeting, it was decided that we didn’t need to have it then, and that it would be best to reschedule it for another time. Even though I knew what God was leading me to do, I gave in…again. Once I realized what I had done, this is what I said, “I repent, Lord. Forgive me, Father for putting anything or anyone over You.

We mess up sometimes. We make mistakes. The thing is to acknowledge them, ask for forgiveness, and make the best of the next opportunity…because there will be a next time.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Testimonies That Are A Blessing

Testimonies That Are A Blessing

I woke up so grateful this morning, and I knew that God was going to show up big time…and He did.

Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for every day that God wakes me. I once heard the testimony of a young man that really blessed me. He stood there telling us that he had suffered not one, but two, massive strokes. Did you miss the part where I said he “stood” there? To look at him you would never have known what he had been through. 

Our God is amazing. He knows exactly what we need when we need it. We were actually attending a service at a local rehab facility, and his testimony gave those patients hope…it gave me hope. We all left that service believing that God could do anything. The patients believed that if they put in the work, it could happen for them too. When one of the patients was on the way back to his room, I offered to push him, and he said, “No, I have to do the work!” Praise God! That’s how a testimony should make you feel.

That’s what it’s all about…encouraging and motivating one another to go a little further, and push a little harder. 

Sometimes, God will place us together to help one another do what we think is impossible. Sitting in a wheelchair, you may feel like it will never get any better, but keep doing the work. Having to go to a job you don’t like may seem like punishment at times, but keep doing the work. Watching others succeed while you continue to struggle may seem unfair, but keep doing the work. 

God has a blessing with your name on it. If you stay faithful, and keep believing…anything is possible.

Until next time…

Be blessed