Making The Most of The Day

Making The Most of The Day

There is a song that says, When I think about Jesus and what He’s done for me, when I think about Jesus and how He set me free, I can dance, dance, dance all night. I love that song, because it says exactly what I feel inside when I think about Him. Even when things may not go as planned, praising God seems to always work for me.

Sometimes, life can get heavy and it’s hard to maintain a good attitude when your problems are weighing you down. But, there is always a new day just around the bend!

When I focus my thoughts on Jesus…it does something to my spirit. I can’t keep feeling bad, or sad, or angry. For me, it’s impossible to praise and pout at the same time. When I start singing and praying God’s word back to Him, it changes not only me, but it also changes the atmosphere around me, and that affects everyone that comes in contact with me.

We are not living in this world alone, and sometimes dealing with people can be difficult on our best days. But that’s what makes life so interesting…and unpredictable. I like not knowing how things will go. It just gives us another reason to lean on God. We never know what a day will bring, but we do know who brings the day. God is always in control…even when it doesn’t look like it.

Life holds a lot of surprises for us. It’s not about getting through, or getting by. It’s about making the most of every day. To really embrace it all, knowing that tomorrow always comes. We may not choose what happens to us, but we do get to choose how it is going to affect us.

Until next time…

Be blessed `

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