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Tag: Jesus

Celebrating Our Risen Savior!

Celebrating Our Risen Savior!

Today is the day many Christians celebrate the Resurrection of the Lord, Jesus Christ. He is the Risen Savior! It is the day that Jesus forever defeated death, and because of what He did, we get to live in eternity with Him. 

The Bible says in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” What a gift!

[I know everyone doesn’t believe that, but on this blog, we do.] 

For me, this is an awesome opportunity to show God how much we appreciate Him. Here’s the amazing thing…He didn’t just do it for those who loved Him, He did it for those who may never receive Him as Lord and Savior. That’s the kind of God we serve.

And although we could never repay Him for what He did–we can honor Him for what He continues to do.

He continues to show up. He continues to make a way. He continues to be our Provider. Our Healer. Our Redeemer, and our King. 

So, today God we honor You with the praise of our lips not for what You have done, but for who You are.

Hallelujah! Thank You, LORD!

Until next time!

Be blessed

We Have The Victory!

We Have The Victory!

Every year at this time, I get this restlessness that makes me feel out of sync. Last week I wrote about it without realizing the real reason for it. I knew I didn’t feel myself, but I didn’t connect the dots until today. This season is a milestone that I wish I didn’t have to experience.  

Yesterday would have been my best friend’s birthday. He passed away five years ago. Actually, he passed away exactly two weeks after his birthday. I went from planning his birthday to planning his funeral. I can’t even explain the range of emotions I felt during that time. I always thought that time heals all wounds…it doesn’t. 

But I know that God does.

Psalm 18:2 it says, “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.”  When we can’t do anything else, we can trust in God. The Bible says that He is the lifter of our heads. He is the One who sustains us when we feel weak. The One who walks beside us, while at the same time going before us, and coming up behind us. Only God could do that.

God has been so good to us…so gracious to us. And because of what Jesus did on the cross, He no longer counts our sins against us. When we give our lives to the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Bible says that we are sealed into the family of God, and nothing can come against us and win. Not even grief. We have the victory!

Even though this is a hard time for me, I know I have the victory, and I am learning about the love of God in a way that I wouldn’t have any other way. With God’s help, I know I will continue to make it through. And, not only will I make it through…but, I will bring others through with me. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

It’s that Next Level Worship for me!

It’s that Next Level Worship for me!

Praise is good. Getting it…giving it…it always feels good, but let me tell you there is something about worship that just takes your praise to the next level. 

I know they feel the same, but there is a difference. I can praise you for doing a good job, but I will never worship you. My worship is reserved for God. I worship Him; I adore Him and I love Him with a love that can’t even be put into words. He is the great I AM and there is nothing or no one greater than He is. 

Meditating on His greatness makes me want to run around the block. 

Whenever we sing songs about the blood in our church I get this overwhelming feeling of reverence for Him. The Bible says there is power in the blood of Jesus. It is cleansing. It is healing. It is freeing. And I am a witness that the Blood still works.

Sometimes we have to go through those low places….those valleys in our lives, and it’s no fun. But let me tell you…God is there in that place…teaching, training, and loving us through it. His blood reaches every area of our lives. Look, what that song says is true…that blood never loses its power. Oh my goodness! I feel that. 

Somebody needs to know that what you are going through is not because you did anything wrong. It is God preparing you for your next level.

I felt Holy Spirit touch my heart today, and He took me to that place where only God and I can reside. It’s in that place that you can ask anything, and know with certainty that He hears you. 

I pray today that you fall in love with Him all over again…that you dedicate your life to Him all over again, because for this next level, we are going to have to forget all about what we want, and just focus on what God wants for us. 

Pull close to Him, because when we do that…He will take care of everything else.

Until next time…

Be blessed

For the God Who Lives in You

For the God Who Lives in You

Earlier this month we took time out to honor the walk Jesus made to the cross.  This time of year always makes me think of the sacrifice our Lord made.

God loved us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to the cross—for us. He couldn’t bear being separated from us. And because He couldn’t look on our sin, He had to remove it by providing the perfect sacrifice. And when Jesus went back to the Father, He left us a comforter, and His name is Holy Spirit. He is the God who lives in us. Who walks beside us, and Who leads us and guides us.

Only God would do something so amazing. The One who created it all…thought enough of us to do that. The word says, “The Lord called me before my birth. From within the womb he called me by my name…He said to me, `You are my servant’...” (Isaiah 49:1, 3 TLB). I thank God that He called me by name…that He called each of us by name. What He did gave us the ability to dwell with Him…forever.

God called us into being because He has a plan for us. He has given us all unique gifts that only we can do. God has anointed us and called us into service. To represent Him in the earth. In Psalm 139:13 it says, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” We were always on His mind…even before we were born.

I challenge you today to live the best life you have ever lived…for the God who lives in you. Whatever God is calling you to…don’t let anything or anyone stop you. No matter what you do…see it through. There is greater still awaiting you. Don’t be afraid to embrace it.

Until next time…

Be blessed.

I’m Learning to be Content

I’m Learning to be Content

Winter is definitely not giving up without a fight…

I have a new appreciation for those workers who have to work outside. But, even with all of the cold we are having, and as tired as I am feeling right now…I am still so grateful for every single day God allows me to be on the face of this earth.

This morning I woke up feeling God’s hand holding me. I just felt secure…safe. I know that He ministers to my spirit as I sleep (that’s probably the only time my mind is at rest). That’s one of the things I love about Him. He never stops coming after us. So, I have to believe that whatever was on my mind when I went to bed last night is being taken care of by the Master. I have been striving to be more like Paul when he says he has learned to be “content” in whatever situation he finds himself in (Philippians 4:11).

There is a beauty in being content. It says that I trust the providence of God.

When we believe that everything is in God’s hands it makes it easier to let go. I believe that as long as we hold on to people, and things, it blocks the flow of God’s plan in our lives. He wants to do big things through us. But, we often get in the way.

Our little finite minds still think we have control. I guess in some things we do. We have the power of choice, and we can choose to believe or not believe—to follow Him, or not follow Him. I want to follow Him. I want my life to reflect the love of Jesus Christ, but for some reason I keep going left when I should be going right. I sit down when I should be standing up, and I watch way too much television…especially when there are plenty of things I should be doing. 

In spite of all of that, I know that God loves me more than anything. He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for me. Just for me. And if there was no one else in the world, God still would have send Jesus for me. If I didn’t believe that, I don’t know what my life would be like. And to be honest…I don’t want to know. I love Him. He loves me. And that’s enough.

I pray that for each of us. I pray that we continue to walk in the newness that comes from a life that is sold out to God. I pray that His strength will help carry us through those times when we want to quit. 

And I pray that we all begin to appreciate the gift that is Jesus Christ just a little bit more.

Until next time…

Be blessed

An Amazing Kind of Love

An Amazing Kind of Love

Today, I just want to talk about how amazing it is to be loved by God. How totally and perfectly He loves us. His love caused Him to wrap Himself in flesh, come down from His place in heaven and die on an old rugged cross for us. What an amazing Father, and what an amazing kind of love.

And here’s the kicker…we don’t have to do anything to earn it. He loves us whether we even love Him or not. Most of us can’t even fathom that kind of love. Even as followers of Christ, we get so used to doing stuff that we forget that we don’t have to. All we really have to do is rest in God, and trust the power of the Holy Spirit that lives within us. That’s it. We don’t need to do anything else. 

When we receive Jesus Christ as our Savior, our place in heaven is reserved. We are sealed. We become co-heirs with Christ, and all that He has…we have. We can’t do anything to deserve it, or anything to keep it. It is our gift. That’s love. It’s the kind of love that doesn’t see faults, or mistakes. It just sees the possibilities of a life that was created in love.

God’s word in 1 John 4:16 says, “ And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” That statement brings me comfort. It tells me that I can step out on faith, and that I won’t be alone when I do. We never have to feel alone, or left out, or forsaken…God’s promise is that His love is there…always and I believe it.

Begin to live boldly and confidently in God’s love. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

Let God Lead

Let God Lead

What a great and awesome God we serve. He never leaves us…not for a moment. He is constantly there to help lead us to our most highest selves. His love is so massive…that we can’t even begin to comprehend the depth of it. He is so much more than our words have a right to describe. His name is above every name. The word says that demons tremble at the sound of His name. It also says that when we submit to God, resist the devil, he has to flee (James 4:7). He has no choice. THAT is how big our God is. 

So why is it that we still get upset when people disappoint us…when they hurt us…when they act human….

We expect others to treat us the way we want to be treated. We keep looking to them and not to God. And every time we do that, we are going to be disappointed. In John 15:17 it simply says,” This is my command: Love each other.” It doesn’t say because we treat each other right, or because we deserve it….not even because we want to do it…but, because God commanded it. Period.

The thing is to give others the same grace that God gives us. To love each other the way God loves us…unconditionally. I know that is easier said than done, but God knew that we wouldn’t be able to do it on our own. So He left us some help.

First, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to save us.

Then Jesus left us a helper…The Holy Spirit.

And finally, the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us through all of those times when our “flesh” wants to be in control.

So, this week, let God lead. Open your heart to Him, and allow Him to do a good work in you. Put Him in the middle of every relationship–and then watch Him work.

Until next time…

Be blessed