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Tag: Limitations

Take the limits off God

Take the limits off God

So, last week I talked about how we can sometimes short-circuit our destiny, and it made me think about a time when that happened to me. I was at a Women’s Ministry meeting at my church and at a certain point in the meeting, the Director asked us to share our testimonies, words of encouragement, etc. Well, if anyone should have a testimony it should have been me. I was the brand new author of a book entitled, “Let My Life Be A Testimony.” I should definitely have had something to share, right?

I sat there feeling like I was going to burst, because God had been so good to me that I didn’t even know where to start, but that night, I didn’t share–almost no one did. The Director had to go around the room and just point out the different ways that she knew we had been blessed. That was so embarrassing. I will never forget that. The sad thing is that I spent many years after that doing the same thing.

That experience taught me that walking in my destiny was going to take some work on my part. First, I needed to believe that I deserved a better life. That God saw me, and had a plan just for me. Then, I had to stop working against myself. What I mean by that is that I had to be bold enough to walk in the path God was laying out for me. When God moved me to share, I had to stop second guessing Him and just do it. I have learned to trust that God will never lead me down a dead end. If He moves me to do something…someone, somewhere, needs it.

We have to stop trying to figure it all out by ourselves, and take the limits off God, He will show us things that we never even imagined and take us to places that we never thought we would go. And guess what? That’s only the beginning. He has so much to show us if we let Him. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!