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Tag: Love

The Things That Make Memories

The Things That Make Memories

Today was a good day. I believe my pastor could have definitely been a comedian if he hadn’t been called to ministry. I love the way he can find humor in ordinary things. 

He likes reminiscing about what it was like growing up. I love it too, because the stories he tells are so relatable.

I remember sharing onion pickles, Chico sticks, and candy straws with my friends. I remember playing dodge ball, hot butter beans hula hoops, and jacks until the lights came on. I remember my parents taking us to the park at Easter for our annual Easter egg hunt, and actually losing half of the eggs they hid. 

I love hearing those stories. I love that they make me laugh until my stomach hurt. And that every time he tells those stories…it feels like home.

The older I get the more I appreciate my childhood. The friendships, the neighborhood, and even the school I went to. It makes me feel for the children today. The ones that don’t know what it’s like to be free. That don’t know what it’s like to play outside all day, or to get in trouble for eating grapes from the neighbor’s tree. To come home to the smell of dinner cooking, or to homemade cakes, and apple pies. 

I pray for a world that learns to enjoy that again. To know what it’s like to enjoy the small things we sometimes overlook. 

Things like taking time to feel the sunshine on a warm summer’s day, or to catch snowflakes on your tongue in winter, or to lie on the grass looking up at the stars at night. Things that don’t cost anything, but mean everything.

The things that make memories.

Until next time…

Be blessed

Loving My Enemies

Loving My Enemies

I have always been one of those people who try really hard not to carry a grudge. I don’t want that kind of negativity anywhere around me. I would just rather argue it out, and move on. Unfortunately, everybody doesn’t feel that way. 

Now, even though I don’t hold a grudge, I won’t be hanging out with them either. I mean, it’s hard to be friends with people who don’t like you, right? I just know that I can’t let someone else’s bad behavior keep me from all that God has for me.

My pastor preached this morning that every time your enemies speak ill of you, it’s like dirt being thrown at you. And God will allow that dirt to be a stepping stone to elevate you. That woke me all the way up. I was so pumped. 1 Peter 3:9 says, “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” 

Look, this says that if I don’t retaliate, and instead keep treating you right, I will inherit a blessing. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want anything coming between me and my blessings. So, if that means I have to keep speaking to you, and watch you ignore me…then that’s what I’m going to do, because I know that according to God’s word peacemakers are called His children. And I know that is who I am.

Until next time…

Be blessed

I’m Not Going Back

I’m Not Going Back

There was this song the praise team sang today that just resonated in my spirit. Im not sure what the title was, but the main part of the song (chorus) just kept repeating, “You have rescued my life, and I’m not going back.” The more I sang it, the deeper it went into my spirit. And in that moment, I fell in love with God all over again.

When we think about what God did for us at Calvary; when His Son gave His life for us on that cross, not just for the people there with Him at that time, but for all of us who would be coming later…it’s overwhelmingly beautiful. Nothing will ever compare to that. All I know is that I am on His team for life. I can truly say that there is nothing in my life before Christ that I miss. God even worked it out so that the people I used to hang out with either came over to the Lord’s side, or went totally in the other direction.

I may not know a lot of things, and I may not always get it right, but I know without a doubt that I am not going back. 

I don’t know anywhere else I would rather be than in the center of His will. I want to care like He cares, and love like He loves. I want to give freely, and openly without reservation. I want to go when He tells me to, and know that wherever He leads me is exactly where I need to be…without question.

God has been so good to me…to all of us. He keeps making a way, moving mountains, opening doors, healing the sick, and forgiving our faults. I don’t have enough words to even tell you…I would run out of words, before I run out of ways (smile).

I guess the only way we can even begin to repay Him is to stay close, keep loving Him, and keep loving one another.

Until next time…

Be blessed

God’s Restorative Love

God’s Restorative Love

Restorative love is the kind of love that doesn’t see wrongs. It’s the kind of love that allows for “growing pains.” It’s the kind of love that understands our weaknesses, faults, short-comings, and loves anyway. And it’s the kind of love that says…try again.

I like being able to start over. I like the fact that God built in a do-over for us. He knew we were going to need it, because according to the Apostle Paul…we want to do right, but it’s just not in us. Romans 7:15 says, “I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.”

And because God has a specific purpose for each one of us…along came grace. God’s grace is sufficient for us (1 Corinthians 12:9). His grace covers all the wrongs we do, and even the ones we haven’t done yet. That’s because His grace is new every. single. morning. God’s grace says I understand what you are going through, and I will cover you until you get it together.

In the midst of all of life’s little ups and downs is God’s perfect grace…just waiting for the opportunity to show up. His grace molds us and shapes us and transforms us. We can no longer do the things we used to do. Guess what? We don’t even want to. Giving our lives to Christ transformed us. We have been changed…renewed…delivered…set free…there is no going back for us. 

And because we have been given that kind of restorative love, it’s our obligation to pass it along to others.

And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work” (2 Corinthians 9:8).

Until next time…

Be blessed

Making Myself A Priority

Making Myself A Priority

I was listening to a message this morning that reminded me of something I went through a while ago. 

A few years ago, I took part in a service at my church for ministry workers. One of the things I love is being in the house of the Lord. It just does it for me. I love worship. I love praise music. I love God’s word…and I love the atmosphere. 

The thing is that even though I love these things, sometimes my body and my spirit are just tired. I didn’t recognize it at the time, because I thought pushing myself was what I was supposed to do. I remember going to the service, but not really looking forward to it. It wasn’t because I didn’t think the service would be good, I was just suffering from trying to be everything to everybody…except me.

Being tired was all a part of what working for the Lord was all about, right?

God gave me a good brain, but I definitely was not using it the way He intended. Saying no…to anybody was hard for me. I wanted to be the one folks could count on. That kind of thinking is not healthy, and it is definitely not what God was asking me to do. 

So glad that we serve a God of second chances. I have learned that it is perfectly fine to say no. It is also perfectly fine not to go to church every time the church doors open. Look, if God is calling you to rest…then rest

The world will still keep spinning even while you take a nap.

It’s hard to think straight when we don’t have the proper rest. When we are physically, emotionally or spiritually tired…we are not able to make the best decisions (Best believe the enemy takes advantage of that). 

Take some time to care for yourself, and do things that you want to do…even if no one else wants to. 

To make sure that I make myself a priority, I am making a promise to myself to be diligent about staying in God’s word, make sure that I am getting enough rest, and I will work on surrounding myself with people who want the best for me. 

How about you? What will you do to make yourself a priority?

Until next time…

Be blessed

Love All Year Long

Love All Year Long

Tomorrow many of us will be celebrating Valentine’s Day. It is the only day specifically set aside to celebrate lovers. Just about everyone will be sharing love in some form or another. Hopefully we are not waiting until February 14th to do that. Because that should be what we do everyday, right?

Although I have always celebrated this holiday, the older I get the more I realize how important it is not to wait for that one day of the year. If I want to give flowers, candy, or go out to dinner, I shouldn’t have to wait for Valentine’s Day to do that. Time is a precious commodity. We only have a certain number of days designated to us, and God is the only one that knows that information. Mark 13:32 proves it when it says, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” And since God is the only One who knows, it behooves us to make the most of our time. 

That means we need to let go of offenses, and stop living angry lives waiting for the opportunity to give someone a piece of our minds. We may have good reasons to be upset, but if what happened is keeping us from enjoying every bit of our lives…it’s not worth it. Let it go. 

Love like there is no tomorrow. Love until the pain goes away. Love everyone, even the people we don’t like so much. If we do that, God will handle the rest. The Bible says that God will contend with those who contend with us. That means that He will handle any difficulties, any struggles, or anybody that causes us problems. All we have to do is be obedient to His commandment to love one another. And here’s a news flash…it doesn’t say only love those who love us. Yikes!

Join me in working towards letting our love shine all over everyone we meet. And don’t let their willingness to receive or not receive it determine if we give it. Give it anyway. Even if we have to give it from a distance. 

Until next time…

Be blessed

Let God Lead

Let God Lead

What a great and awesome God we serve. He never leaves us…not for a moment. He is constantly there to help lead us to our most highest selves. His love is so massive…that we can’t even begin to comprehend the depth of it. He is so much more than our words have a right to describe. His name is above every name. The word says that demons tremble at the sound of His name. It also says that when we submit to God, resist the devil, he has to flee (James 4:7). He has no choice. THAT is how big our God is. 

So why is it that we still get upset when people disappoint us…when they hurt us…when they act human….

We expect others to treat us the way we want to be treated. We keep looking to them and not to God. And every time we do that, we are going to be disappointed. In John 15:17 it simply says,” This is my command: Love each other.” It doesn’t say because we treat each other right, or because we deserve it….not even because we want to do it…but, because God commanded it. Period.

The thing is to give others the same grace that God gives us. To love each other the way God loves us…unconditionally. I know that is easier said than done, but God knew that we wouldn’t be able to do it on our own. So He left us some help.

First, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to save us.

Then Jesus left us a helper…The Holy Spirit.

And finally, the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us through all of those times when our “flesh” wants to be in control.

So, this week, let God lead. Open your heart to Him, and allow Him to do a good work in you. Put Him in the middle of every relationship–and then watch Him work.

Until next time…

Be blessed

On Mother’s Day, Let Love Lead

On Mother’s Day, Let Love Lead

Mother’s Day. This day is usually not so easy for me. My mother passed away many years ago…although some days it seems just like yesterday. God healed the pain of that loss, but every year I am still challenged with the response of others. It’s hard to maneuver sometimes. Either people are incredibly insensitive when they tell you how “lucky” you are not to have children or they try to “give” you theirs. And although I know they are not trying to be mean, I still try to just steer clear. 

This year, the pandemic has taken care of many of our typical social gatherings. The odd thing is that now I miss it…lol. I have gotten so used to having to prepare myself that when I didn’t have to, I almost didn’t know what to do. Go figure. I guess that falls under the “be careful what you wish for” category. It just gives us the opportunity to be more creative with our celebrations.

I also wanted to love on my mom a little today. She was one of those mothers who would fight to the death for her children. But she never co-signed our foolishness. If we were wrong, she let us know that we would definitely pay the penalty for it. And she would lose her natural mind if we ever disrespected any grown up. I loved her honesty, her faithfulness, and her caring heart. She loved with a purity that I pray has passed down to me. I miss her so much.

So, cherish your moms. And if your mom has transitioned to her heavenly home, find some way to cherish her memory today. I know some of us may not have the best relationships with our mothers. Just remember…we all make mistakes. Let love lead. Forgive her. That’s one of the best gifts we could ever give to ourselves.

Until next time…

Be blessed



What a great and awesome God we serve. He never leaves us…not for a moment. He is constantly available to help lead us to our most highest selves. His love is so massive…that we can’t even begin to comprehend the depth of it. He is so much more than our words have a right to describe. The Bible says that His name is above every name. The word says that demons tremble at the sound of His name. It also says that when we “submit to God, resist the devil, he has to flee” (James 4:7). He has no choice. THAT is how big our God is. So why is it that we still get upset when people disappoint us…when they hurt us…when they act human….

I believe the reason is that we expect others to always put us…our feelings above their own. To treat us like they would want to be treated…to live by God’s standards. We keep looking to them and not to God, and every time we do that, we will be disappointed. The thing is to love each other the way God loves us…unconditionally, but still be able to extend the same grace to them God extends to us. I know that is easier said than done, but God knew that we wouldn’t be able to do it on our own.

First, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to save us, then He left us a helper…The Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us through all those times when our “flesh” wants to be in control. We have to be willing to give up what we want and accept what God wants. In John 15:17 it simply says,”This is my command: Love each other.” Period. Not because you treat me right…not because I deserve it….not even because I want to…but, because God has commanded it.

So, this week, let God lead. Open your heart to Him, and allow Him to do a work in you. Put Him in the middle of every relationship–and then watch Him work.

Until next time…

Be blessed!

Let’s Finish Strong

Let’s Finish Strong

We are in the last quarter of 2020. It’s crazy how fast time seems to be going. But it always feels like that when it gets close to the end of the year. Many of us will begin to go back over the year to see what we did, and didn’t do. Of course, with all that has gone on this year that task is going to be a lot different. But, because God loves us so much, He has given all of us a road map in His word. We just have to take the time to read it. 

I love looking deeper into God’s word, and finding new revelation. When we do that God reveals to us what He expects from us. The Book of Esther in particular is so good. It shows how we can overcome any obstacle when we take our minds off our own comfort and do what God is calling us to do. Here was a woman who had it all. She was young, beautiful, and she had the favor of the king—and she was willing to put it all on the line to save her people. She could have kept quiet. She could have, but she didn’t. Why would she jeopardize her own life for the life of others?

She did it—because it was her destiny. She was the one. She was chosen.

What has God chosen you for? What is it that you have been sitting on that God wants to use? 

What God helped me see, was that every time we don’t do what He is calling us to…we short-circuit our destiny. That revelation was huge. The one thing we don’t want at the end of our lives is to look back and see what could have been.

It is not too late. Let’s finish strong! 

So, for the next couple of weeks I will share with you what God shares with me in hopes that together we learn how to avoid doing those things that tend to keep us from the place God needs us to be. 

Until next time…

Be blessed!