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My Dream, God’s Plan

My Dream, God’s Plan

I am feeling the need to go deeper in the Lord. What I mean by that is, God is allowing me to see things from a different perspective. I think for the first time I am seeing that there really is nothing I can’t do when I connect my faith with His power. 

You know how it is when you know God is calling you to something, but you just can’t seem to get out of your own way. Well, I am realizing that I have been stifling my own creativity by not believing in my own dream. It finally dawned on me that the vision is for doing…not just for seeing. Wow…that was good even to me. I have been looking at the dream God has given me like it was going to magically appear. Ummmm…there won’t be any lucky charm moments. I can’t keep wishing and hoping. I have to be willing to do the work. 

Even though I have read what the Bible says about me, and the plans God has for my life, I am still finding it hard to walk in it. I have to get my mind to be in agreement with my heart, and my heart has to be in agreement with my spirit and it all has to be in agreement with God’s plan, and I am finding that if any one of those things begins to act independently of the other, it all gets out of balance, and out of order. That’s when I need the help of the Holy Spirit, because I know He will lead the way out, and show me the way to go.  

Right now it is time to step it up…to dig into God’s word like never before, and let myself believe in the dream that’s been waiting for me. 

God has so much for all of us…if we just let Him lead the way.

Until next time…

Be blessed

A New Place

A New Place

I have always been a worrier…although I like the word cautious better. I try to plan out everything, because I don’t like leaving things to chance. That’s just not who I am…or at least not who I used to be. Thankfully, I have allowed myself to be changed. When you give your life to God, He really does change you. 

A good friend once told me that I needed to be more spontaneous, but I tried to even plan that.

This year I made a promise to myself that I will not feel guilty for making a mistake. I would not hold myself hostage to the things I said I would do by the time I was 18, 21, 40, or for not following through on my own plans. I am just giving myself permission to rest in who God has made me to be. Even the Bible says, “Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture” (Psalm 100:3). It says so right in the scripture. God made us, and He knows the plan…not us. Our job is to follow Him.

I know that it won’t be easy, but I trust in the promises of God, and I want to be so close to Him that He trips over me every time He turns around. I want to enjoy every day…even the ones that cause me to say scriptures out loud…lol.

I love the Lord, and I know that everything He does is good—whether I think so at the time or not. I know that God hears my prayers, and that He has put in me everything that I need to be the woman of God that He has called me to be. I know that I have the power of the Lord within me, and that gives me strength for the journey. I trust Him in a way I never have before. He is opening up new ways for me, and little by little, I am beginning to see the vision.

I know that everything I went through over the last couple of years has brought me to a new place in Him. He is my Comforter, my Hero, my Friend…and although His teaching is sometimes hard, I know that it is necessary, and I know He always works it out for my good.

Lord, I pray for the person who is reading this message today. I pray that you reveal to them a new way of seeing…that they begin to see with their hearts—and not their eyes. I pray that they will see the manifestation of whatever dream you have given to them. I pray that they will hold on to Your promises, and that whenever they feel weak, they will remember that they have an Advocate who is standing by waiting

Until next time…

Be blessed!