I’ll See You On The Other Side
My heart is a little heavy today…
Yesterday, one of my best buddies gained her wings. The good thing is that her transition was easy. The bad thing is that I won’t see her again on this side…
So if it’s okay, I want to take a few moments to honor her.
We became friends through my brother. They divorced a long time ago, but we didn’t…lol. I think it’s so unfortunate that when divorce happens to a couple, the relatives have to divorce too. I understand that in some cases it just makes sense. And I wouldn’t expect that they would be at every family function. But when there was no physical or mental abuse, we should be able to spend time together without anyone having issues with it. That was the case with us.
When I first met her, I thought she was fearless, and fancy. She wore eye shadow, and her clothes were always stylish, and well put together. She had this way about her like she was in charge even when she wasn’t.
She was the first person to take me to a sit-down restaurant. She taught me which fork to use, how to put my napkin on my lap, and to never pick at my food. She took me to the Ice capades, circus, and gave me my first perm (my mother was heated about that one).
We enjoyed hanging out. We loved going to lunch or dinner, and sometimes just simply watching television together. We talked about everything…and everybody…lol.
She was one of those people that loved having people around, and I loved being around her. When she introduced me, she always said that I was her sister-in-law, but that we were more like sisters. I loved that. She was my sister, and I will miss her dearly…I will even miss her unsolicited advice.
I know that one day, we will meet again on the other side. Until then, I pray that I live every day with more love, more faith, and more hope. I pray that I do everything God has purposed for me to do. And I pray that I make someone else’s life as special as she made mine.
Until next time…
Be blessed