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Seasons of Waiting

Seasons of Waiting

Church was good. The message was good. Overall, the day was good. So, why do I feel like something is missing? Like I have been just going through the motions today.

I think this is my season of waiting. Spring is coming, and I seem to always go through this period (season) of transition during this time. I know it. I expect it. And it still feels like it’s catching my spirit off guard. I know that God is good, and I know that He knows exactly what He is doing. I don’t question that. 

What I question though is why I can’t seem to embrace these seasons. 

Why does it take me so long to get it? I know that growing takes time. I know that as I go through these seasons, God is growing me in the direction that He wants me to go. Yet, I am still so frustrated with the process.

The good thing is that God knows that, and He has even made provisions for it. `

He knows that even though I don’t like it, that I get frustrated, that everything seems magnified during these times…I will still serve Him. I will still show up. I will still look for ways to be a blessing, because I love Him, and I know in my heart that this too shall pass

God’s word in Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” I trust that word. I stand on that word. I believe God honors that word. I just have to keep honoring mine…even in these seasons of transition.

Until next time…

Be blessed