Are You Happy?

Are You Happy?

That’s the question I want to start this post with today.

As I was contemplating what “happy” really meant, it made me wonder why being happy is so important. We work really hard at finding happiness, or trying to make someone else happy. What I realized is that a lot of it is based on what they show on television, right? The kind of life where the guy always gets the girl, (or the girl gets the guy), and all of our problems get worked out by the end of the show. That would be nice, but that’s not reality. At least not for many of us.

What I found is that happiness can be fleeting, because it’s dependent on something external. Something has to happen for us to be happy. We have to get the promotion, the new job, the mate we have always wanted….something

But what if we sought “joy” instead?

The toughest storm can’t even affect it. I know that sounds confusing. Storms in themselves can be terrifying. But the Bible says that in the Lord we have the “fullness of joy.”  The kind that the world can’t control, or influence. It doesn’t matter how strong the storm may seem…this joy comes from the inside. It is God-given.

It is not dependent on anyone doing anything. 

This kind of joy happens when we give our lives to Christ. It is given to us through the Holy Spirit that dwells within all of God’s people. It is part of our inheritance.

There is nothing wrong with being happy. Life is too short and God has been too good to live a miserable life. But, if you want the kind of joy that the world cannot give…the kind that strengthens, the kind that transforms, the kind that comforts, the kind that is everlasting…only God can give you that. 

And all you have to do is just ask, and then believe you have it…

Until next time…

Be blessed

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