Take the First Step!

Take the First Step!

Ok, so we have had to learn to do things differently these days. One of the things that has changed is the way we communicate with one another. Online meetings, hook-ups, conferences, family get-togethers, are all the newest way to stay in touch. But for the most part we are still spending a lot more time alone. Thinking about that made me realize that this is the perfect time to learn some new things. A time for all of us to take advantage of the opportunity to socialize with people we have never even met, or may never meet in person, and yet now, have so much in common with.

I have to admit, it is an exciting time. Maybe because with all of the things going on in the world I am finding that I can no longer afford to be a procrastinator (I know I’m not the only one). Things we used to put off for another day, really have a different meaning right now. I mean, I always knew that tomorrow was not promised, but that hits differently today. One of the problems for me has always been that I think on things way too long. I usually think about it until it gets so big that I just give up, and basically talk myself out of it. I’m really kind of tired of doing that though. 

I think for the next few weeks, I’m going to do something every day that gets me closer to the purpose God has for me. I know there are things God is calling me to, but I have not been able to get past my own thinking. The end of the year is the perfect time to re-evaluate, strategize, and plan for the new year. Better is coming.

So, I am challenging you to join me, and step out on faith. Whatever that thing is that God has placed way down deep inside of you…that thing you are afraid to even tell anyone about–do it. Don’t hold back any longer. It’s time. God is calling you to take that first step…

Will you?

Until next time…

Be blessed!

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